16: The exams and coffee after almost dying!

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"I'm so nervous," Mina said, and I could agree. "I'm afraid I'll fail, and then I won't be able to go to camp..."

Realising what my failure would mean, I as well, froze up.
"Oh dear," I mumbled.

When we stood in front of the teachers, everything got explained. The class looked shocked while I picked my nails nervously.

"Because Rui can teleport, we have her placed in a different exam," Aizawa finally explained, "She will be fighting All Might, the only way for her to win would be defeating All Might in one v one combat, handcuffing him."

My eyes were wide.
"Huh?" I let out, probably the hardest I had ever been.

Midoryia patted my shoulder, "I'm sorry you have to go trough this."

Why me?
Seriously, the main character was petting my shoulder...

Suffering, that's what this was.

My exam would be last, meaning I had enough time to be anxious.
I used Todoroki to rant to, but he eventually had to go for his own exam.

Of course I came up with a set of tactics, probably will happens, and what ifs.
There was no way I could defeat All Might, but at least I could try.

Standing in a city, finally, I took a steadying breath. The timer started running, and I knew I had to move. If I was still fighting when the timer stopped, that would count as a win, kind of, Aizawa wanted to be satisfied with my performance or something.

Teleporting onto a low building, I caught a view of most the city. I found All Might, but fortunately I was hidden enough so he hadn't found me yet.
My scarf was ready in my hands, my cheeks clenched. Time to try the shit out of this!

All Might destroyed a building, his arm hitting it. I teleported, wrapped the scarf around his arm. As I landed I dodged All Might's punch and wrapped the scarf around his leg, finally pulling his arm and leg back, making him fall.
I teleported and snatched back the scarf, wrapping it around All Might one last time before tying the scarf onto one of the lightposts which bended slightly because of the weight on it.

Standing on a building next to the light post, I looked down nervously.
All Might tried to get lose, struggling a whole lot.
When I was sure I wouldn't get killed, I teleported and stepped onto the lightpost, crouching down to put the handcuff around his leg.

Over the intercom someone told me I had won and I sat there for a second, the handcuff falling from my hand as I looked down at All Might.

"Did you make it easier for me?" I asked as I teleported down, looking up at All Might who grimaced.

"No, young Rui, these weights slowed me down." His grimace turned into a smile, "Had I been a second faster, I would have won."

I nodded before reaching up to the scarf. On tug and All Might came crashing down.

When I returned to the classroom, once more wearing my uniform, I got cheers.

"You took down All Might!!"

As I sat down I grabbed my noise cancelling headphones from my bag and put them on, half collapsing on my desk in front of me.

"I took down All Might," I mumbled before I fell asleep, not having had enough caffeine to keep me up.

My nap was peaceful, memories floating up, like one particular tree house I cherished. Sometimes I wished I could go back just for those things.

But then I woke up.
Aizawa just finished talking before I got offered to go shopping with the rest of the class.

I smiled, of course I'd go.

As much as I was tired, slightly shaken up and getting embarrassed at the situation, I was glad to be offered the chance to a nice trip to a mall—

Wait, it's the trip to the mall.
I realised that I must have slept trough Aizawa's explanation that he had been lying again. Everyone could go to the camp.

Welp, I already knew what would happen, so, might as well go and try to have some fun.

I hung out with Jirou, talking about music when she noticed me still wearing my headphones on one ear.
The day went by fine, and Aizawa came to pick me up by the end of it.

I had planned this, and said goodbye to the class before meeting Aizawa.
This way, nobody would figure out who I was staying with.

In the car with Aizawa, he let out a long sigh.

I glanced at him. Usually Aizawa had some reason to sigh.
"What's up?"

Another sigh.
"Nezu had gotten a lead on the case. It turns out there's a research facility he wants to take down. It's where the kid you found is from. We fear that the kid indeed is from a different realm as well. They must have been researching that, in all the wrong ways."

As frustrated as Aizawa was, he glared out of the window in front of him.

Suddenly I heard honking. I glanced to find a car nearing at a fast speed. Before Aizawa could hit the break, I clutched his arm, stepping onto the floor of the car before in the next moment I hit the ground, still holding onto Aizawa.

And not a moment to soon, I realised.
The car that had been rushing towards us hit Aizawa's, creating a loud ugly crash.

My heart was beating in my throat as next to me Aizawa got up.
He helped me up before blankly looking at the scene while the car who crashed into us slowed down. From the window I saw someone glare at us before they hurried away with the car.

Aizawa sighed.
"Just my luck." He turned to me, "How about you head home, I'll deal with this."

I nodded shakily, "Did they mean to hit us?"

Aizawa shrugged, "I'll deal with it."

With a sigh I started walking, leaving Aizawa to use his scarf and be a hero and what not.

Getting home, I realised just how much I had tired myself out.
First being nervous, then that fight, then the mall, and then almost dying in a car crash.
I poured myself some coffee.

It didn't take long for me to break down sobbing, as tired as I was, but finally I curled up with Donkey (er, that's the cat's name), and relaxed while reading a book.

Lets just hope for a nice and calm camp.

That was— that was a joke, I'm sorry.

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