4: Plus Ultra! (Yes Coffee As Well)

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Once more awake at six in the morning, I rubbed my eyes and got coffee.

"Eat some breakfast," Aizawa ordered when I went straight to the machine.

"No," I wined as I grabbed a cup and poured coffee in it.

Aizawa sighed, "Kid, eat some breakfast."

"I don't wanna," I sipped my coffee. As stubborn as I sounded, there was a reason why I just didn't want breakfast.
Multiple reasons.
1 I didn't want to.
2 it was boring
3 it was early, food wasn't a thing in my brain yet
4 I was being ordered to do something and thus automatically didn't want to do it.

Of course Aizawa was stubborn as well.

Aizawa got up and I flinched, the coffee magically not falling on the ground.
This made him pause as Aizawa's tired eyes gave away sympathy.

"Why couldn't I see your arms?"
Of course he asked— !

With a sigh I shook my head, "My arms don't have to do with me having been in the foster system, sir."
I finished my coffee and put down the cup. As much as I wanted to avoid my anxiety, eating still wasn't an option. Yet I couldn't walk away to escape the situation, fear had me stuck to the ground.

"No need to call me sir." (Professor)
Aizawa got up, more slowly this time, and walked over.
Holding up his hand, he silently requested for my arm.

Carefully I allowed him to pull up my sleeve a little.

As Aizawa found the scars, he didn't hesitate to give me a careful hug.
"I'm glad they're just scars, if you feel bad, you can just tell me, okay?"

I hugged back, "You're not mad?"

"Of course not," Aizawa mumbled, "Just don't get new cuts, okay?"

I nodded before stepping back.
"Can I return to my room?"

"Sure, do you want to skip training?"
So kind all of a sudden.

I shook my head. I had to be ready for the hero training. I knew it would be coming sooner than I'd like it to. I don't think All Might will like seeing me again.

When I stepped inside my room though, I spared the scars on my arms another glance.
If only I had never picked up the knife that one first time.
If only I had learned to speak up. Learned that it's okay to not be okay.
If only I had not been kicked out of that home and been put into one that wasn't as accepting.
If only I had.

Sighing I sat down.
Maybe this, all of this was my chance to forget. To forget about how my life wasn't as I wanted it to be. It certain was better now.
And maybe it was a chance for me to learn what I want my life to be.

When I stood on the training field a while later, trying my best to train, I decided that becoming a hero, for however long it would last, would have to be the best thing I could have my life being.

Two days passed before All Might rushed in.
My flinch at the sudden shouting didn't go unnoticed as Todoroki walked up to me when everyone grabbed the suitcases meant to them.

"I saw you flinch," Todoroki said bluntly.

I nodded, "I don't like loud people."

With a nod himself, Todoroki grabbed his suitcase and handed me mine.
"You're not in some unsafe situation, right?"

Why so concerned? Was it that obvious?
I sighed, "I got out of it." At my dark look, Todoroki looked away himself.
We walked to the changing rooms and I realised that Todoroki himself had a hard situation where he lived.
"I'm fine now," I told Todoroki, "And I think that after I'll become a hero, I'll help those who need it, because I was saved when I needed it."

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