19: From quirk training to pizza and coffee

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I snorted at how conversation paused when 'pizza' was being delivered.
All Might burst in and the most disgusting black stuff left my mouth. I heard All Might scream my name in concern, along with Bakugo's. Guess he cared about me a little as well?

When I found myself in the middle of a wreck, what used to be a building, I was frozen.
All for One.
He was there.
As he spoke to Shigaraki, my wide eyes were probably being ignored.
Maybe I was a bit more scared than amazed this time though. He's never been a favourite of mine.

As All Might arrived I snapped out of my thoughts. I glanced at Shigaraki who glanced back.
"Do we need to teleport?" I asked as I held out my hand.

Shigaraki nodded, but before he could say anything else, the punches All Might created had us shield ourselves from it.
As Bakugo kept the other villains at a distance, I thought.
"We don't need him," I told Shigaraki, "Convincing him to be a villain would be like— futile." I hadn't really thought of the second part of the sentence, I'll admit.

"I don't care," Shigaraki said stubbornly as he glared at the hedgehog.

With a sigh, accepted the childish comment.
So mean.

When the UA students did their stunt, getting Bakugo out of there, Shigaraki held me back. For no reason but the pretend that I wasn't with them.

Finally All for One glared at us, "Use the kid, get out of here."

I nodded and held out my hand, "I need everyone, just one finger will do."

And so everyone put their finger some place on my arm, Toga putting her hand on my head for some reason.

Teleporting them out, I landed in an abandoned building.

"Where is this?" Shigaraki asked.

I realised All for One would have teleported them elsewhere and I nervously stepped away from everyone, into Toga.

Everyone stepped back as they looked around.
"Er, this is the place, or well, I just— I saw—"

"You're stuttering," Toga commented as she hugged me from behind.

It did nothing to ease me as she pointed a knife in my face.
"Personal space?"

With a sigh, Twice got her off me and I took a breath.
How was I to survive this?

"This is the place I saw you guys next, in the show. There might have been one in between, but I remember this place where..."
I realised, my eyes glancing at Magne. She'd die here.
No................ That's so sad.


I sighed, "Nezu told me this, I can't break reality. Telling people the future will alter it in a way that the universe or something just can't allow."

Looking at me skeptically, Dabi shook his head, "What does Nezu know? And why wouldn't he just help you back?"

"Er," I thought, "That's an interesting question."
Dabi glared at the comment.
Holding up my hands I nervously answered.
"I don't really know, I told him what I knew, and he leads the case of the lab. I don't think he knows how to get me back, he said he didn't."

"And you don't trust him?" Shigaraki asked.

I tilted my head, "Would you?"

"Fair enough," Shigaraki mumbled as he looked around again.

"So," I fiddled with my hands, "What's next?"

"Next," Shigaraki spoke, "We will get you that scarf."

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