8: Training! And a cat!

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Standing in Nezu's office, I messed around with a chard. I knew that chance would decide who would fight who, but that I also knew already. As I clicked on some shit on the computer, having access at long last, I wondered wether it was really smart to do this.

All I did was making sure Shinso didnt lose the first round of the third round already.
After fighting me, he'd fight Todoroki, I had thought out, and he'd get noticed more.
I knew that I would lose to Shinso, I mean, if anything I'd pass out from squealing (it's Shinso!!), but Shinso had a brain washing quirk, making it obvious who'd get out a winner.

When I exited I found Nezu patiently waiting outside his office.

Quickly I opened my mouth to explain but Nezu held up his paw.

"No need, you cannot tell me any spoilers, just run along now."

My mouth closed as I turned away.
Awkwardly I turned back, "Say Nezu, what happens if I mess up?"

"Mess up?" Nezu asked, pausing in walking into his office.

"Yeah, you know, if I change something from the story and it only makes things worse?"

Nezu thought, "I think you just said it yourself, it only gets worse."
His smile didn't fall as he said this, making my skin crawl a bit. Creepy.
"Though, I've noticed how you think, I'm sure you'd be able to fix things."

A smile made it's way to my face.
"I suppose." I dropped the smile, "But what if I can't?"

"Well then, you're not alone, now are you?" Nezu left it at that, walking into his office and leaving me to think about those words.

I wasn't alone?
Did that mean I ought to tell more people about who I was?

Wouldn't that be kind of betraying the other students?
Wasn't I kind of betraying the others?
My thoughts took over before I remember that I was standing still and quickly hurried away.

I knew what I had to do, so I trained with Aizawa that afternoon. I talked with him about the skills I wanted to focus on, and even though Aizawa had some questions about a few, he made a planning.

And just like that I was hanging upside down, my eyes wide as I held onto the scarf.
"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked Aizawa. Even though the ground was only meters away, it was a nasty fall.

"You're asking now? When you're already doing it?" Aizawa questioned.

This didn't ease my nerves as I quickly climbed back into the tree.
"No more."

Aizawa sighed, "Allright, we can continue tomorrow."

He kept leaning against another tree though. Maybe he was waiting for me to get down.
I sighed.
Thinking about it, it was safe. I knew that if I did it right, which I had practiced so I would, there was only a very low chance that I'd fall and break something.
"Fine, I'll try again."

Aizawa hid his smile as I once more tried.

Now hanging upside down I turned to Aizawa, "Have you ever heard of Spider-man?"

Shaking his head, Aizawa asked, "Who's that?"

I tried to hide my smile, "Nobody, just asking."

When we wrapped up scarf training, Aizawa helped me with hand to hand combat.
Aizawa even went so far to have me run in circles. It had to improve my stamina... I knew it was true, but that didn't have to mean that I liked it.

Before long I sat in the grass and Aizawa told me that I had done a great job.
A smile made its way onto my face once more.

I was living the life
...in a way.

Of course me and Aizawa's got more comfortable around each other in the days that followed. I learned to be less depended on caffeine as well.

After loads of caffeine one day, Aizawa told me to focus on training my quirk. As he took a nap, I rolled my eyes.
Suddenly a cat walked up to me and I paused what I was doing.

The cat looked up at me and I couldn't resist.
"I'm adopting you."

Picking up the cat, I took a step before I appeared in the apartment. Putting down the cat I suddenly realised something.

I could take an organism with me while teleporting!

And so I teleported Aizawa to a rooftop. In his sleeping state he didn't notice, so I left again, leaving a note to be funny.

Yeah— I got grounded— I shouldn't have done that, it was mean.

Though it was funny.

—Aizawa pov—

Waking up on a rooftop, Aizawa squinted his eyes.


He looked around confused.

How did he—
Why did he fall asleep on a rooftop?
The last time that happened it started to rain and he got wet.

Then he figured, it was probably Rui. She had left a note, even.
Sighing, Aizawa got up. He'd have to have a long talk with her about this.

But who's he kidding?
Aizawa was thinking of this kid as his daughter. He had practically adopted her a long time ago. He really couldn't not.
Giving her a cat was the least he could do for all her hard work. After all, some comfort at home seemed to be needed.
Aizawa had noticed things. It wasn't just the cutting, which as well was bad, but some times at night, Aizawa would find her waking up from nightmares.
She usually wouldn't remember it, but she would say things, stare off into space and one time she sobbed to Aizawa that she wished to die.

As much as Aizawa thought this concerning, Mic told him he used to have this sort of thing when he was younger, but different. He'd wake up, wake other people up, and then go to bed as if forgetting why he woke his parents up.
It was odd, but not unfamiliar.

Still concerning, so Aizawa hoped a cat would make it better.
When Rui asked to adopt it, he almost didn't hesitate, though they had to take it to the vet first.

And the cat made everything beter. 
The new addition to the family already made Rui happier within a few days, and Rui stopped waking up at ungodly hours.

Aizawa only hoped she wouldn't get to attached. The cat didn't look the youngest.
He sighed as he crouched down to pet it.
Somehow Aizawa's heart was stolen by those cute eyes as well.

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