20: Why would one set fire to a Starbucks? Just asking

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Lying down in a motel bed, I stared up at the ceiling, wondering what was going on.

Had I really just become a villain?
Well, not really, but I had joined them.

The sight of the burning Starbucks seemed stuck in my head.
It seemed funny, yes, but also kind of... how do I put it... evil.

Burning people who make coffee. That's evil for sure.
Yet I couldn't believe that Dabi did it because I complained about them getting my name wrong. I had only met these guys for a few hours, but they seemed to welcome me into their group already.

As I curled up a bit more, I suddenly felt a huge weight plopping down on me.

Looking up, I found Toga who climbed over me. I sighed softly as she laid down next to me. There went my own bed.
Maybe Toga was done having to share a bed with Magne though, she wasn't sleeping very curled up, taking up all the bed.

"You're still awake?" Toga whispered.

I nodded as if Toga would be able to see and turned around so I could face her.
Toga grinned a little as she started playing with my hair.

"You should sleep," she said surprisingly soothingly, "Tomorrow is a big day."

And I knew it would be.

When I woke up, I missed out on breakfast. Fortunately Spinner had thought of me and threw a bagel at me, where he got it, I didn't care, I was hungry.

Then Shigaraki told us his plan.
"I'm going to get the scarf." He said.

I tilted my head, "Do you even know where I live?"

"No," Shigaraki said boldly, making most of the villains sigh.
"But you do," Shigaraki said, "So you'll take me there. I'll be doing the talking."

I shrugged, putting my hands in the pocket of the hoodie Toga lend me, "Fine by me, when do we go?"

"Now," Shigaraki said.

Wiping my mouth just to be sure it wasn't full of bagel, I nodded before I allowed Shigaraki to put his hand on my arm.
And then we were gone.

When I stepped onto new terrain, I flinched for whatever odd reason.

"Wha..." Shigaraki looked around confused.
"Where are we?"

I looked around the doctors room, an uneasy feeling making its way to my stomach.
"Let's leave," I mumbled, barely audible before I grabbed Shigaraki's arm and teleported us out.

Finally standing in the apartment, I felt like I could finally breath.

Immediately a cat ran over to me.
I smiled as I picked it up, "Donkey!"

Looking at me blankly, Shigaraki decided not to comment on this.
"Where's the scarf?"

I looked around, finding the apartment more messy than usually.
Some stuff lay broken on the floor and it honestly got me slightly concerned.
"I'll look in my room." I said as I handed Shigaraki the cat.

He took it hesitantly, his pinks uncomfortably away from it as he looked as though he was about to faint because of it.
Maybe he had flashbacks? From his dog. Ah, so sad.
Hurrying to the bedroom, I paused, though let the door close behind me as if nothing was going on.

Aizawa sat there, on my bed, holding my black scarf with a cat on his lab.

Holding up my finger, I signalled him to be quiet as I took the scarf from his hands.
Aizawa let me take it as he kept staring down rather sadly.

I... I couldn't just leave him like this.

"I'm not sorry. I was just, it wasn't safe to be able to change as much as I can. And I can still change things from this position. I just want you all to be safe."

Aizawa didn't say anything.

"Please say something?"
When he didn't, I spoke again.
"I will try my best, I don't want to care about what you think about how I do it."

Aizawa sighed.
"I'll deal with Nezu.
"And... you're expelled. This way nobody will ask questions about your absence."

Darn it! I got expelled.

I turned to the door and without looking, I whispered softly.
"I..." I thought trice about these words, "I love you."

Aizawa betrayed a small smile. "Be safe," he whispered.

Happiness must have been written on my face, but I shook my head.
"I'll see you again." With that, I opened the door again and walked to Shigaraki who was getting more comfortable with the cat.

I smiled at it before showing my scarf, putting it around my neck before taking Donkey back.
"We've gotta leave him here," I told a secretly disappointed Shigaraki.
I didn't want to hurt Aizawa any further.
Seriously, that was a scary conversation I had just now.

As we teleported back, we were greeted by lunch.

Of course after some food, Toga encouraged me to try the scarf. I had rolled my eyes, but Shigaraki wanted to know my skill level, or something.

Hanging upside down, I stuck out my tongue at them, "I'm not doing this for free."

Dabi laughed and handed me some yen, earning a smile from me before I jumped back onto the ground.

As much fun as we were having though (teasing twice was our afternoon activity), we needed a plan.

Shigaraki didn't seem to know his plan, but I knew it would come to him, so I mostly made suggestions of how to get money and food and sleeping places. Since we were on the lamb, we needed to be cautious and couldn't stay at the same place for long.

And so it came that I stood in a strangers house, raiding it, taking all the money I could find and eventually teleporting Magne and Twice with me.
They cheered at me as it was the first house I had ever robbed.

"Great job!" Magne smiled at me, "This is the start of a great villain!"
I smiled at the compliment.

"Marvellous! Horrendous!"
Of course I smiled at Twice as well.

When I fell asleep that night, Toga claiming a spot next to me once more, I couldn't help but to feel safe.
I thought back to when I stared up at the starry sky next to Kota.
I had spoken my wish to have more than one parental figure.
As I looked at Magne, glanced at Toga, and thought about all the other npc's, I realised that maybe I had more than one family member for once. Even if it was just an illusion, it felt nice.

Curling up a bit more, I let sleep take over.

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