24: Revenge! And coffee to fix at least something

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Waking up to someone petting my hair, I opened my eyes very slowly.

Another day of torture? Was this really how this story was going to end?

My vision was blurry, so when I saw something resembling Toga, I had to rub my eyes before I found her, actually there, clear as... as glass. Pun definitely not intended.

"We'll get them back," Toga mumbled angrily as she kept on petting my hair. I stayed down, as I wondered if I was dreaming again.
"Well get them back."

Feeling the glass beneath me snake, I flinched before Toga helped me up.

"The heroes are here, we should move."

I nodded and let Toga drag me off. Twice found us, and at seeing my wounds he flinched.
Then both Twice and Toga declared that they would destroy the Yakuza.

I rubbed my eyes again before Toga pulled my hands away.
"Try not to touch them."

I forced a blink despite how odd my eyes felt, and I nodded.

It felt almost like a dream before I got hit in my stomach and was forced to act.
A hero almost caught me before I teleported behind him, took Toga's knife and stabbed the hero. I didn't know them, and thus decided they probably wouldn't influence the story line to much.

Toga cheered when I gave her the knife back.
Eventually we got separated, but after I got my glance at Eri in Midoryia's arms, safe at last, I teleported to where I knew Shigaraki would be next. No, not that scene, the one before, in the car.

I teleported and felt myself giving out as I fell onto who I hoped was Dabi.

"Found her!" Dabi called out as he helped me sit up. The car wasn't exactly driving neatly, though we reached a point where we stopped.

As Dabi helped me out, Shigaraki gave me a long look.
"What the fuck did they do to you?"

Toga handed me a mirror, a sorry look on her face. I send the sorry look a curious glance before looking down into the mirror.
A small gasp escaped me when I saw my eyes, red and surrounded with sharp lines.

"I'm sorry," Toga mumbled, "We tried... we tried everything to get you safe, but Chisaki, he..."

Looking up, I found Chisaki lying down. He glared at me and I realised just how much I hated those golden eyes.

My feet moved slowly, my energy long lost from everything that had happened. I barely even remember it now.
I remember very well though, how I took one of Toga's knives again, and stabbed Chisaki's arms making two long cuts.

Shigaraki laughed like a maniac when I got back up and dropped the knife. Shigaraki cut off one arm altogether, and Compress took one for his own arm, and for Magne.

Lastly Dabi took a knife and stabbed Chisaki's eye.
"Just to finish it off." He shrugged as Chisaki yelled out in pain.

While we drove off, despite the stress of cops and what not, we all felt way more satisfied.
Even Spinner, who was driving was smiling a bit more.

That bitch Chisaki got what he deserved.

It was quiet when we sat in some abandoned apartment.
Waking up on the soft couch, I could smell the warm pizza being brought in by Dabi and Toga who argued.

I smiled, imagining them arguing all the way to wherever they got the pizza, and back to here.
As I sat up, Toga noticed me and jumped on the couch next to me, handing me a cup of coffee.

We all stuffed our faces full, laughing about pointless things for a while.

After the pizza, Twice took back up the suspicious bullet.

I looked at it as well, both curiosity and disgust filling me.

"Anything you can tell us?" Shigaraki asked after Twice explained about his quirk not being able to clone the bullet for the that much'th time.

I sighed and wiped my mouth with my sleeve, resisting the urge to rub my eyes which had started to heal, the red stripes reducing, though the red would most likely be permanent.
"I can't say too much," I sighed, "Maybe if we could somehow deconstruct it, like a Lego building, we could copy it."

Twice nodded before he shook his head, "Excellent idea, impossible, how would you deconstruct this?"

Sighing, I thought hard and deep.
"I don't know, somehow?"

Dabi laughed at the answer, joking about it and quickly the joking mood returned as the bullet got put aside.

We would figure out our next step later, but I hoped the bullet wouldn't be in it. It gave me the creeps to be honest.

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