Birthday special

329 17 49

500 years ago

3rd of January. Normal people would just turn a blind eye to this date, not thinking much of it. It was just a normal day, but for someone else it was much more. This date being her best friends birthday. The day he was born.

Out of everyone in the whole of inazuma, you were the most excited for Kabukimonos birthday. Not even kabuki himself was as excited as you. He just saw it as another day. It just meant he was a year older, nothing special. However, you took this day to a whole new level. You always prepared new ideas each year.

"Gooood morning Kabukimono! Happy birthday!" You said excitedly, grinning ear from ear as you watched his eyes flutter open.

He let out a small yelp as he jolted up in his bed, making the both of you bump your foreheads together. He rubbed his head whilst you stayed unfazed, still smiling.

"N/n! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!" He groaned softly whilst pouting. You couldn't help but chuckle from his failed angry expression.

"Sorry sorry! But how else am I suppose to wake you up!"

"Like a normal person.." He grumbled.

"But that's boooring." You complained whilst sitting down next to him on his bed and leaning against him dramatically.

"Anyways, I made you breakfast so eat up whilst it's still warm. We have a whole day ahead of us!" You said cheekily, giving him a small wink before picking up his tray and setting it down on his lap.

Kabukimono looked down at his food and then at you. "I tell you this every year, you don't have to."

"Well I wanna. Now eat up."

You booped his nose and then skipped off to the door. When you got to the door you waved at him and closed the door.

Kabukimono chuckled from your actions. You do this every year. No matter how much he tells you that you don't have to, you just don't listen to him. However, it did make him feel all fuzzy on the inside. It just shows how much you care for him. Kabukimono shook his head and started to eat his breakfast before getting ready for the day.

"N/n? Where are you?"

After breakfast, Kabukimono went to look for you, but you were no where to be found. He started to feel a bit anxious as he started to play with his sleeves. Just where were you? His last idea of where you could be was your room. So he headed there.

When he got to your door, he was about to knock. However he was stopped as he saw a small note on your door.

'Happy birthday Kabukimono! I decided to set up a small game for you this year. Come find me and your gift will also be there. Your first clue is: I am a place where people go and test out their skills. What am I? Good luck <3'

Kabukimono looked down at the piece of paper with a puzzled expression. A place where you can go and test out your skills..What did you mean by that. He scratched the top of his head. He figured that he's gonna walk around till he figures it out.

He walked out of the tenshukaku and wandered around. He turned his head a bit till he saw the training grounds.

"Of course! The training grounds." Kabukimono then ran up to it, his veil swaying behind him. He burst through the door and saw how it was empty.

'That's a bit odd.. usually this place is roaming with guards training.' Kabuki thought to himself. He just shrugged it off though. Maybe they just had a sort of mission they had to do.

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