chapter 12

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2nd pov

Everything has been going great! You and Yuno have grown closer throughout the few days. However, you havent seen scaramouche in a while, but he is a harbinger so you tried not to give it much of a thought. When you first found out, you were completely shocked. Your sweet kabukimono turned into a ruthless harbinger. It didnt change your feelings for him though, but you do worry about him.

Currently, you were playing with Yuno. You, being the helpless princess and Yuno being the mighty knight!

"Dont worry princess! For I, knight Yuno shall save you from this ugly beast." Yuno said confidently, pointing his wooden sword at the dragon plushie.

You let out a small chuckle but quickly covered it up with a cough. "Oh no! Save me, my almighty knight!" You said dramatically, putting your hand on your forehead, pretending to be in distrest.

Yuno had a smile plastered on his face as he approached the dragon plushie. You watched him swing his sword in different directions as he 'fought' the dragon. In the end, he came out victorious, a proud smirk on his face. He came upto you and grabbed your hand, helping you to stand up.

"Dont worry princess! Youre safe now."

You smiled down at Yuno and patted him on his head. "Thank you, my brave knight. Now, for your award." Yuno tilted his head slightly, trying to guess what it is. You picked him up, hugging him and spinning him in circles. This causes laughter to spill out from the both of you.

However, the sweet moment was soon disturbed as someone walked into the room.

"Y/n! A group of fatui have been seen at the--..oh. Im not disturbing anything, am I?" Jakub asked, his voice decreasing in volume after he realized there was a child with you.

Wait a second...

"Y/n...since when do you have kids? I dont remember you being pregnant. Can you even get pregnant?!" Jakub was flabbergasted. He looked between you and Yuno as he was sputtering out nonsense.

You sweatdropped a bit and set Yuno down onto the ground. Yuno seemed to  hide behind you, as he does not know who this man is. The only man he knew was that man with the hat that was with you. You noticed his scared figure and gently wrapped your arms around him to try and calm him down.

"Dont worry Yuno. Hes a good friend of mine." You said quietly to Yuno. He nodded but he still held onto your sleeve tightly.

" Kuba, yuno. Yuno, Kuba." You introduced the both of them to eachother. "Anyways Kuba, what do you mean fatui have been seen here?"

Jakub seemed to calm down as he let out a sigh. "Can we go talk outside?"

You nodded. Looking down at Yuno, you patted him on the shoulder as in a way to tell him to let go. It seems he got the memo as he let go off you. "I'll be right back." You walked to the door, whilst Jakub held the door open for you. He left after you, closing the door and turned to you.

"Explain yourself. What do you mean fatui have been seen? And where?"

"Somewhere near the entrance of the city, a bit to the east."

You nodded to this information. Your first thought was scaramouche, but he didnt tell you anything about bringing his workers.

"Okay, well. What have they been seen doing?"

"Apparently they have been seen with some boxes. Some guards think that there might be weapons in there."

"Okay. We'll go check it out. Let me tell Yuno that I have to leave for a bit."

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