chapter 2

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                            The ball

2nd person

The whole purporse of this ball was to celebrate the birth of your nation, so everything had to be perfect. You tapped on your clipboard with your pen and looked around the room, trying to figure out whats missing. Finally, it hit you like a light bulb.

"Can you also put some pająki on the ceiling? I think that would be nice." You asked the party decorater next to you, which they nodded at your proposition. Then they got right back to work. You let out a tired sigh and nodded at them as a thank you. You left the room to go to your office to finish up some work.


"Ow! Suka pierdolona." You winced as you accidently pricked youself with a sewing needle. You shook your hand and blowed on it to try and get the pain away. You raised your finger upto your mouth and licked some of the blood to make it stop. When it finally stopped, you stood up and put your hand on your chin in a thinking motion, observing the dress. You sew the whole dress by yourself. It did take quite a while trying to find the perfect fabric and colours. In the end you went with your f/c as the base. Looking at the work, you felt quite satisfied with your work. The corset had different patterns, meanwhilst the skirt had little flowers adoring it.

You decided it was good enough and you let out a happy 'yes.' You finally sit down on your chair and did some paperwork you had to fill out.

An hour later, you were still looking through some papers. You had reading glasses on your face and your cheek was leaned against the palm of your hand. Then a specific letter got your attention. It had a symbol stamped on the envelope. You quickly recognized the symbol as the fatui symbol. You let out an annoyed sigh and put it aside, telling yourself you were going to read it later.

You continued to go through your papers when all of a sudden your peace was disturbed with a knock on your door. You let out a quiet "Come in.", not even looking up from your papers

"You surely got better at sewing." Said a sneaky voice. Your eyes widened as you dropped your pen. You looked up and your features quickly brightened up.

"Venti! You came!" You said cheerfully and got up before moving next to him. You hugged him, picking him up slightly and spinning around.

"Wow! You surely got stronger since last time, and ofcourse i would come." You giggled from his words and set him down. You gestured for him to sit down whilst you sat down back in your seat. Taking of your glasses, you put them on your table.

You and venti chatted about random things, like how everything has been and stuff like that. It was overall a nice  conversation. You havent been this happy in a long time. However, that all changed when he decided to bring something up.

"Hey, did you write a letter with an invitation to him?" Your expression quickly darkened as you looked down at the desk sorrowfully.

"Venti, i told you this before. He never responded to my letters, so at some point i gave up. So no, no i didnt." You muttered out before taking a deep breath in and exhailing. "Its fine though. Im fine." You lied right through your teeth. You looked up at venti with a smile so he wont worry.

He gave you a worried look but returned the smile. "Don't worry. Forget about it for tonight. So are you still up for our duo?" He asked you with a sneaky grin which made you chuckle.

"Well of course. Ready as i'll ever be." You reflected back his grin and shook your head. You looked up at the clock and realised it was time for you to get ready. You excused yourself and got your dress before leaving in a hurry.

Venti was stunned for a second but shook his head and let out a small chuckle. "Same old y/n."


You were currently sitting on your throne as you looked at the crowd of people in the room. Everyone was invited and everyone talked among themselves. The atmosphere was peaceful and warm and that brought a smile on your face.

You then got up and walked to the stage. It was time for your speech. Suddenly, everyone went quiet and all eyes were on you. On the outside you might have looked calm, but on the inside you were screaming. Letting out a small sigh you finally started to speak.

"Good evening everyone. I hope everyone is having a lovely time. Throught these few centuries, i have had the honour of being your archon. I saw all the bad things and all the good things. I have seen this nation flourish and it all came with your help aswell. I am extremely grateful and proud to be your archon. And as a thank you, me and my brother would like to do a little performance."

You motioned venti to come on stage. He had his lyre in his hand and you pulled out your violin. Taking a few deep breaths, you started to hit the first few notes of the performance. The melody was truthfully a beautiful one. Your eyes were closed and you played the instrument so skillfully. Soon venti joined in. You guys were in sync and the harmony was magical. As you played, you could feel yourself getting lost. When you guys were done, the whole crowd and cheered on for you and venti which caused you to smile. You and venti bowed and got back to your places as everyone went back to what they were doing.


You were back in your place on the throne. You have just finished talking to one of guests. This was slightly overwhelming..this room wasnt usually this full, but it was a nice feeling. You looked around and saw how people were getting along. Your gaze then turned to venti who was...well being venti. You let out a dissapointed sigh and shook your head.

Just then a calmer type of music started to play and everyone got with a partner. Soon, they all started to dance together. As they moved, it looked like a blossoming flower. The ladies skirts flowing with them as the gentlemen twirled them.

However, the peace was quickly disturbed when all of the sudden the ballroom doors opened. There it revealed a man. The man wore a short- sleeved shirt with a crest resembling the electro symbol. He also wore shorts and a hat.

When he came in, everyone paused. They all looked around and started to whisper among themselves at the man.

However, the longer you stared at the man, you couldnt help but feel your heart beating faster and your cheeks warming up. All of the sudden, you didnt feel empty anymore, but complete. You didnt know why, but the man awfully reminded you of someone you knew long ago.

Just then, you and him caught eye contact, which caused him to smirk.




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