chapter 4

478 23 51


2nd person

This guy was not kidding. The moment it hit 1pm he marched into your office and plopped himself infront of you. There was a visable scowl on his face, showing the annoyance of how long this was taking. He just wanted to get the gnosis and leave.  Seeing you made him fill up with even more hatred, but also vulnerablity.

Meanwhilst, you sat infront of him awkwardly. Your hands on your desk in a neat manner and your legs crossed. After all these years of not seeing him, the feeling of loneliness and emptiness you had, was somehow gone.

Scaramouche crossed his arms and leaned against the chair, throwing a small glare at you. "So, are you going to give me it?" His question sounded more like a demand. As if you were going to listen to him....

You shook your head and sighed before closing your eyes and speaking in a soft matter, "scaramouche. I already told you i cant do that."

It appeared as though scaramouche did not like that answer. The atmosphere suddenly grew slightly cold. You opened up your eyes again and you could notice the cold expression on his face. His face was covered by a dark shadow and his eyes started to light up a bit. You suddenly could hear slight cracking coming from somewhere.

"I guess i have to take it by force." Out of nowhere he jumped at you, not leaving anytime for you to react. He grasped at your neck as he started to shock you with electro. You winced a bit out of pain and then kicked him in the crotch, throwing him to the other side of the room. Scaramouche hissed as he hit the wall and gave you a deadly glare.

He quickly got up and gathered as much electro energy he could. As you observed him, you realized that he didnt have a vision. was he doing this. You furrowed your eyebrows and got into stance. After scaramouche gathered enough energy, he started to send electro waves at you as well as surrounding you with thunder.

On the inside, you were panicking. You didnt wanna hurt him but you have to. You will not allow him to take your gnosis away. Using your dark energy, you spawned in some night knights and commanded them to surround him. Scaramouche already predicted that you would do that, so he slash them down effortlessy before they could even land a blow on him. He started to run up to you, his hand covered in electro energy. Before he could land a punch on you, you sinked down and disappeared. You came out from behind him, jumping up in the air and doing a small kick spin. This caused him to fall to the floor. You placed your foot on his chest to keep him down, your expression screaming authority.

"Leave Scaramouche." You glared down at him and pressed your foot onto his chest a little harder. His hands grabbed onto your leg, squeezing it. He let out a small grunt before responding, "Not without the gnosis."

Scaramouche then threw you off him and stood up. You landed perfectly, landed on your feet. When the both of you got into stance, you realized that scaramouche started to gather electro energy, his whole body glowing. You quickly panicked and copied what he  was doing. You collected light energy as you started to glow a pale yellow. Scaramouche then started to run at you, so you did the same. As you got closer and touched, there was a sudden explosion that blew both you and scaramouche backwards, causing you to hit your head against the wall.

A few minutes later, you slowly opened your eyes and looked around. You felt a bit dizzy, cauing you to groan and hold onto your head in pain. There was smoke all around your office from the sudden collision. You let out an annoyed groan, realizing what a mess your office will be now. Your eyes suddenly widened as you realized what just happened. You looked around, trying to look for scaramouche, however the smoke just made it difficult. Thankfully, you manager to see a bit of his indigo hair and let out a gasp of relief.

Running up to him, you picked up the small bookshelf that fell on him before looking at him. Your eyes widened as you saw his unconscious state. Putting a hand over your mouth, you fell to the floor and started to try and shake him awake. As you looked closer at him, you could see small cracks on his face from the fight. You gasped again and felt tears in your eyes.

"Kabukimono! Can you hear me? Please wake up, i didnt mean too." You cried out and continued to shake him, but no response. You brought him closer to you, hugging his head into your chest as your tears fell onto his face.

A few minutes later, you heared a small groan and movement. Your eyes snapped open and looked down as scaramouche started to open his eyes. When he did, it took him a few seconds to try and remember what just happened. When he did, he glared at you and pushed you off him.

You looked at him heartbroken. As he got up, so did you. "Ka-ugh..scaramouche. Im so sorry. I didnt mean too." You apologised, looking at him with a sorrowful expression. He only gave you a disgusted look before sighing.

"It appears you've grown stronger since last time." Did he just compliment you? You shook your head and got closer to him. "You should get those healed." You suggested as you pointed too his cracks. He rolled his eyes and clicked his tounge before turning around.

"Whatever. I'll be back." He threatened and turned his gaze away from you. Before he could leave, you quickly grabbed onto his hand and looked at him with a pleading expression.

"Wait! Meet me in two days, on top of that hill. Please.." You pleaded, whilst pointing at the hill outside of the window. You just wanted to be near him, to have atleast one night where it could be like how it was before, to feel that serenity you felt when you were younger.

Scaramouche looked at you with a raised eyebrow. It seemed like he was debating about something in his head. "Whatever." He then pulled his hand away from you harshly and clicked his teeth in annoyance. Scaramouche then left, closing the door behind him.

When he left, you plopped to the ground, a huge smile on your face. Did you two just fight and get hurt really bad? Yes.  But atleast you get to see scaramouche again.

You looked around your office and saw the huge mess you both made from the fight. You let out an annoyed groan. Whatever, you'll do it later.


Down bad smh 😒


OLD | I'll be yours again. (Scaramouche x F.reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin