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BOOK: if i killed someone for you

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BOOK: if i killed someone for you

MOVIE / SHOW: scream franchise

PAIRING: billy loomis x reader

PAIRING: billy loomis x reader

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Many knew that Y/n Becker tended to be jealous of her sister, Casey, growing up. Sometimes, it always seemed like her parents favored Casey out of the two. The boys fell in love with Casey, not Y/n. The teachers praised Casey for her grades, not Y/n.

The only person that Y/n felt loved by was her boyfriend, Billy. And her best friends, of course.

When mysterious murders begin happening with someone in a black robe and a ghostface mask and the first person in Woodsboro is Casey Becker and her boyfriend, it was no surprise that the suspicions almost immediately went onto Y/n.

But when the murderers are revealed, she soon realizes that her boyfriend would do anything for her.

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