Chapter Five; The Split

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Suki let out a sigh as he looked at Jasper, "What should we do? I can't just leave Star here." he had a sad look in his rose quartz pink eyes. "I'm sure he will be fine. Plus my friend is here too. Well he's here somewhere." Jasper smiled a bit as he looked at Suki with reassurance in his eyes. "Who?" he looked a bit worried as he didn't want Star going off with someone else that he didn't know. Suki was a bit paranoid and possessive when it came to his loved ones as he didn't trust others. "Ah his name is Void, Void Levion. He's nice once you get to know him." He smiled a bit as he moved a bit closer to Suki. Back to the fight, Ezekiel was about to stab Harley in the head when Star stepped in front of her. The spear hit him but instead of blood pouring out a spark flew from his head and it looked like a small supernova. It did hurt like hell but he tried to brush it off as his hair started to glow like a star. This time he allowed anger to take over and his fingertips started to glow a bit as a small flame came from his finger. When Ezekiel tried to stab Star with his spear instead of it working the spear broke as it burnt up into ashes. When Suki heard and saw that he got up and ran over to the two just to watch what would happen next. As the steam rolled off of Star's body he stepped closer to Ezekiel, the ground underneath him burning a bit as his body temperature began to rise. Star was known for being merciful but now that seemed to change as he grabbed onto Ezekiel's wrist. As soon as Star's hand came in contact with Ezekiel's wrist it started to burn, Ezekiel let out a blood curdling scream as tears ran down his face while he tried to pull away. Star's grip tightened as he stepped closer, he grabbed Ezekiel's other wrist as he started to burn that one too. The sounds of Ezekiel screaming and crying only fueled Star's anger as he wanted him dead. But as any great power, it had a weakness and his was if he used his powers too much on a mortal planet he would get extremely tired since it was draining to use up his energy for this. So he quickly let go of his wrist and grabbed Ezekiel's throat which brutally killed him as he could feel everything. After Ezekiel finally died Star stepped backwards as he sat down by a tree, his body temperature dropping rapidly but the glowing in his hands didn't stop. Suki walked over to Star and sat down by him "You ok Starry? Do you want me to carry you back to the palace?" he was concerned about the situation. "I'm fine Suki. I'm not a baby you don't have to treat me like I don't know what I'm doing." he let out an angry sigh as he looked away from Suki. "Oh uh I'm sorry if I came off that way Star." he looked away as well, he didn't know how to react to things like that since he never really dealt with that. He looked over at Harley and Jamie but they had left already he sighed as he thought to himself "wow such a nice thank you to Jasper or to Star." he scoffed as he thought about it. He looked at Star again and decided to speak "Hey star, I'm sorry if I sounded like I was babying you. I didn't mean to it's just your the first person I've spoken to since I normally never leave my palace. Well I do talk to my mother but she's always busy or somewhere else. Look what I mean is your my first ever friend and I don't know how to feel. I just have all of these different feelings and I don't understand them." he sighed as he looked away from Star. He felt like crying right then and there but he didn't want to be seen as weak or obnoxious. "It's fine Suki." He sighed as if he didn't really feel like talking to him anymore. "I'm really sorry Star. If it helps I'll stop calling you the nickname I always called you and I can sleep somewhere else or anything like that." he was holding back his tears as he looked away from Star. "Suki for the love of whatever god there is just shut up. I just went through something that I didn't even know was capable for me to do. So please shut the fuck up." He sighed angrily as he scooted away from Suki, he didn't hate Suki it was just overwhelming for him. He was feeling so many emotions at once and didn't know what any of them were. That's when Void came from behind a tree as he walked over to Star. "You ok bright boy? I mean no harm by the way." he said as he crouched down to look at Star. "I don't know. And I have a name ya know." he growled a bit as his hair lit up again. "No need to get aggressive, but I didn't get your name so do you mind telling me what it is?." he put his hands up in a joking type of manner. "I'm Starlight Hershey, but call me star for short. Now what's your name?." he noticed that Suki had gotten up and walked away from him. He was a bit confused by that but he shrugged it off as he looked at void. "I'm Void, Void Levion. And I see that your friend has left, are you ok?." he sat down by star. "I'll be fine. He does that sometimes." He sighed softly as he watched the leaves blow in the wind. "Well if you want to, how about you come with me for a bit? Just have a break from him since it seems like that's what you need." He put his hand on star's shoulder in a reassuring way as his face had a monotone look. "But what if he misses me?." he looked at void with a worried expression. "He'll be fine since he has Jasper now. You need to open up and learn how to control your powers and emotions." He gave a slight smile which was a bit creepy as he never really smiled. "I guess your right." he stood up and helped void up as he looked back to see Suki for what was probably the last time of seeing him. The two then walked away in the opposite direction of Suki and Jasper.

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