Chapter Six Part Two ; What Went Wrong?

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Star sat down by a river after running for a while. He was still crying as he sat by the river, his hair was a mess as his eyes were red and puffy. His hair and freckles were glowing lightly and dimly as he put his knees to his chest. The wind lightly blew as the birds chirped slightly. The sun was shining into the forest but it still felt dark to Star. He had nothing to comfort him, no family or friends. His whole existence felt like a curse now, why did his creator make him come here just to suffer? Was there even a reason for why he was made? It just seems like he's a burden or even a mistake. He started to cry more as he thought about what he did. He pushed Suki away to go with someone he didn't even know. He pushed away the only person who seemed to actually care for him just to go off with a complete stranger who he had only met once in a stupid dream. Everything felt so bad, his body was aching, his head was spinning, and he felt like no one would ever understand him or understand his feelings. All he could remember before he fell onto this cursed planet was being up in space with his friends. While he was crying a deer came up next to him, it seemed like a normal deer until he turned away from it for a moment. When he looked back at it the deer was a human boy, the boy tilted his head in confusion on why Star was crying. "Is everything alright?." the boy's voice was full of compassion and sympathy. Star shook his head no as he cried a tad bit more. The boy moved closer and opened up his arms allowing Star to hug him "I'm here for you if you want me to be." he slightly smiled as he kept his arms out. Star hugged him and put his face into the boy's shoulder as he cried a bit. The boy patted Star's back as he tried to calm him down, after the hug they both didn't talk for a few minutes. "Well uh I'm Jasper, Jasper Helen Woods. But just call me Jasper." he smiled a bit as he waited for a response. "I'm Starlight Hershey. It's nice to meet you Jasper." he wiped his tears away as he looked at Jasper. "So what brings you to these parts of the woods." He looked at Star with a curious smile. "Just to rest I guess." he sighed a bit as he laid back into the dirt and grass. "Well your Star right?" he looked over at Star. "Yeah why?" He looked up at Jasper. "It's just I met Suki. He wouldn't leave his room,go eat, drink or do anything since you weren't there. I had to get his child hood friend to get him to be motivated to do something." He slightly sighed as he frowned a bit. "Oh." Star looked away from Jasper as he sadly sighed. "Sorry if that's a sensitive topic. I also uhm heard your conversation with Void. So your not anything normal?" He moved closer to Star as he looked at him with pure curiosity in his eyes. "Yeah I guess. I mean the whole hand holding thing felt like we were going to make a blackhole. It felt like a terrifying but beautiful thing." he sighed as he sat up and looked at his hands that were permanently stained with the yellow glow from the use of his powers. "You don't seem like a monster. I mean I saw what you did to that guy but that was for a good reason." He looked at Star's hands as he slightly smiled. "Thanks I guess." He smiled back at Jasper. They both stood up and when Jasper was about to leave he heard a twig snap and it wasn't from Star. He quickly grabbed his pocket knife as he backed up to be next to Star.   When he least expected it a boy with dark brown hair, olive skin, sea blue eyes, and a green shirt with black cargo pants jumped out of the bushes and stabbed him in the shoulder. In reflex and instinct Jasper took his pocket knife and slashed it down which hit the boy's face making a huge cut in the middle. Jasper then grabbed the knife out of his shoulder and ripped off some fabric from his clothes and wrapped it around the wound as he kicked the boy down. Star just stood there in shock as he tried to process what just happened. "Your Viper Levion aren't you?" Jasper growled a bit as he looked at the blood on his blade and hand. The boy stepped back towards the river as he made the water run up his back to his face. The water made the wound disappear but it left a scar. His voice was a bit deep but it also sounded soft "Yes. I am Viper Levion. But that's none of your business after what you made happen." He held onto his knife as he stepped out of the water. "I didn't mean to hurt you or your group ok? Your the one who attacked me first." He sighed as he looked over at star who seemed to be freaking out. "Know what. You aren't worth wasting my energy on." Viper scoffed as he was about to leave. "Leave then. Last time I checked no one asked for you to be here and attack someone." Star said as he gently pushed Jasper out of the way. "Oh we have a smart one hm?." He walked over to Star with a slight bit of anger on his face. "I'm smarter than you that's for sure." The glow his hair and freckles normally had started to shine again as his stained marks started glowing too. "Calm down there lightbulb. I thought lights were only needed at night." He rolled his eyes as he scoffed. "Sorry what was that watersports? I couldn't quite hear you." He crossed his arms as he looked viper up and down. Star was short compared to viper but he could still win in a fight against him. "You son of a bitch." He was about to attack Star when Jasper pushed him to the ground. "Don't fucking touch him." He took the knife that viper had and pushed it into his chest while covering viper's mouth so he didn't scream.

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