Chapter Seven Part Three; The Three Runners

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Star and Jasper had met Nebula after walking for a long time, at first Star wasn't too sure that they could trust Nebula but Jasper immediately trusted Nebula. It had been a month since Jasper and Void separated and it had also been a month since Star and Suki separated. As they continued their journey for gods know what Nebula decided to ask a question. "So do you guys have any siblings?" They asked as they walked backwards for a moment. "I did, I don't know what happened to her though since we kinda got separated and I ended up here." Star said as he looked up at the sky, it was around evening so the sun was still shining. "I don't have any siblings" Jasper said as he looked at Star with slight confusion in his eyes. "Ah I don't remember having any siblings so" Nebula said as they walked closer to Star. "I slightly remember my sister. She had long golden hair like me but she had a resting bitch face and wasn't afraid to tell others off. I wonder where she is now." Star sighed slightly as he grabbed a stick off the ground. "I bet she could easily kick your ass then. Especially if you two were like twins then I bet you have the same powers! Speaking of powers what are yours anyway?" Jasper as he leaned on Star's shoulder since he was getting tired of walking. "Yeah what can you do?" Nebula asked as they looked over at Star and Jasper. "I don't know." He shrugged as he focused on the stick in his hand as he started to light it on fire. "Well at least we know you can light things on fire if we need that" Nebula shrugged as they watched him light the stick. "The human campfire I guess" Jasper laughed a bit as he looked at Star. "I feel so great knowing my new nickname is the human campfire" Star said with sarcasm in his voice as he rolled his eyes and threw the stick out into the deep forest. "What are we even looking for? We've been walking for hours now" Jasper sighed as he looked around the forest. "Yeah, what are we supposed to be looking for?" Nebula looked at Star and Jasper as they talked. "We're looking for Void and Suki before they get themselves into trouble." He sighed as he rolled his eyes. "In my honest opinion, we should steal a car that way it won't take years for us to get to them." They said with a sigh as they fidgeted with their bracelets. "Well, I can't drive so it'll have to be you or Jasper." Star replied as he yawned. "I can drive. If that's not a problem of course." Jasper smiled slightly as he held Star's hand. "This is creepy coincidence but there is a car over there by the edge of the forest." Star stopped walking as he held onto Jasper's hand. "Maybe it's a cop or something like that?" Nebula asked as they looked at the car. "Wait wait I know who that is! That's Ocean Harbor! Void's cousin and babysitter! Void rambled a lot about his family and past." Jasper smiled as he looked down at his and Star's hand intertwined; he then blushed as he kept holding Star's hand. "Calm down Jazzy, maybe we could get him to drive us to find the two?" Star smiled as he looked at Jasper. "I doubt it. I mean who would let three random strangers that probably smell like trash in their car." Nebula spoke up as they rolled their eyes. "Plus it looks like a small car so we would probably be cramped up in there since someone would have to sit up front which who knows what's in there. Also not to mention but they could kidnap us ya know it's not like we don't live in a world where people just take random people off the streets and kill them later on." They sighed as they looked at Star and Jasper. "Yeah but this is Suki and Void we are talking about. They could be in danger or be dead for all we know. Plus from what I've heard there are people who want Void dead and yes I know me and him got into a little thing but I don't want him dead. Hell he might've ran into his stupid ass brother who's a fucking psychopath!" Star glared at Nebula as he spoke. His hair had a small glow to it as his temperature rose a bit. "Calm down Starshine everything will be okay." Jasper whispered to Star as he kissed Star's hand."Whatever but I'm not saving you if we do get kidnapped." They sighed as they walked forward and inspected the car. "I mean the only thing we gotta worry about in the forest is my momma and possibly other creatures but hopefully those stay in Wisconsin." Jasper shrugged as he followed Nebula. "Wait what's in Wisconsin?." Star asked as he followed Jasper. "I dunno I just heard from a birdie that there are other problems there." He said as he gently opened one of the car doors. "Wonder why it's unlocked." He said as he then noticed that there was a person behind him now and he had a pocket knife to the back of his neck. "Who are you." The person said in a serious voice that sounded rough as if he hadn't spoke in a long time. "Uhm I'm Jasper. Jasper Woods." He put his hands up and turned to face the man.

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