Chapter four; problems

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When the girls stepped into the warm weather it felt different. Though it was still nighttime it felt alive and thriving. The forest had a warm breeze blowing, it smelt like cherry blossoms, there was a river roaring in the distance. Even though it was night there were birds chirping, fireflies lit the area like small fairy lights that could fly, there were mushrooms of all kinds. But the most beautiful thing was the flowers that were all over the land, if this forest was beautiful and thriving at night it must be beautiful in the morning as well. The forest felt unreal and like a dream but it in-fact was not a dream. There was a small path that was barely visible that led to a well, there was water in the well. The water smelt like the purest water ever almost like holy water but it didn't have germs in it at all. Harley put the bucket down into the well and brought up some of the water and when she tasted it, it tasted like the coldest but purest iceberg water ever. The water was so refreshing that it felt as if it held powers but it didn't it was just well water. Everything was so perfect and peaceful that it was nearly suspicious but in the end there seemed to be no trap other than a boy standing in one of the openings of the forest. The boy had dark brown eye showing since his other eye had an eyepatch on it, his hair was a dark brown and it was shoulder length and shaggy, he wore a shirt that said "hell" on it with with a baggy jacket on, he wore light jeans that had rips in them, his skin tone was tanned and he had scars on his face that looked like an explosion had happened to him. He looked like the one from the dream she had about her attacking him until she finally realized who he was. It was Ezekiel, her adopted brother. He wasn't the best person at all but he wasn't the worst either, I mean he did do some pretty fucked up things. "Ezekiel? What are you doing here?." she stood in-front of Jamie as a protective shield to her. "I could ask you the same question Harliven Crevent." his voice sounded raspy and had a hint of anger in his tone. Her eyes widened a bit with fear as she began to shake a bit. "I was just trying to find uhm..." she couldn't think of anything to say as fear started to creep up into her skin. She never felt scared of things until now, her body felt weak and it was shaking rapidly. It felt like someone and ripped her out of a freezer just now. "Oh so the traitor wants to go all quiet now eh?." he had a southern accent as he stepped closer. He had a weapon in his hand which looked sharp and able to rip through anyone or anything. She was frozen in terror as her eyes follow his every move. Jamie tried to snap Harley out of it but it wasn't working and she began to panic. She started to tear up as she shook Harley, she didn't want to see Harley in pain or have to fight anyone anymore. Harley snapped out of it as she grabbed her pocket knife and backed away from Ezekiel. "A stupid pocket knife vs a spear? That'll sure work." he said sarcastically as he aimed to hit her but Jamie kicked away the spear. "Don't you dare hurt her!" she wiped away her tears as she stood in front of Harley. She may not have had a weapon but she would rather die than have to watch her favorite person die. "So a small girl with a blind eye could fight me? Is that what your saying here?." he laughed a bit as he grabbed his spear again. "Pathetic." he mumbled as he rolled his eyes looking at the two. Jamie stayed in front of Harley she knew that if she had to die for Harley to be safe she would gladly die just for her. As the three stood there, the wind started to blow harder. The smell of the cherry blossoms died down and the fireflies began to stop flying as their lights began to dim. The forest became dark as if it was becoming a horror movie. All the sounds they heard before had came to a stop even the roaring river stopped. As time seemed to slow and the world seemed to stop, Jamie and Harley looked at each other with slight fear and confusion in their eyes as their hearts began to beat faster than before. Just as Jamie was about to speak an arrow whistled by and hit Ezekiel right in the shoulder.

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