Chapter Five Part Two; Love and Hate

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Suki spent his time in his room as Jasper spent most of his time outside in the courtyard. He didn't really know how to interact with anyone now after the incident with Star so he normally just listened to music or read a book. His favorite songs were Wet by Dazey and the Scouts and Why didn't you stop me by mitski, he could listen to mitski on repeat. Normally Jasper never came into his room unless out of pure curiosity or boredom or just to mess around with Suki. When Jasper walked in Suki was crying a bit as he was laying in bed cuddled up to a pillow. He didn't want to disturb Suki but he walked over to him and sat on the bed as he gently rubbed Suki's back. He didn't like seeing others hurt so he decided to ask Suki something. "Hey what's wrong? I've noticed that you don't like to come out of your room." he said with a sigh as he kept rubbing Suki's back. "It's just I can't believe that Star left me without a word or anything. I didn't even walk off I was still standing there." he let out a sad sigh as a tear rolled down his eye. "Listen Suki, things happen for a reason and will we ever know the reason? Probably not but all we have is eachother so that's a start. I mean after all you have the beauty and the brains while I have strength and that's about all from me. But still if we work together we can do great things." he said with reassurance in his voice as he looked at Suki, hoping his words of reassurance would work. "Your right I guess. But what are we even going up against? What's the point in fighting against that we don't even know." he sighed as he sat up and moved over by Jasper. "Well I don't think we are going against a big villain like in the books or movies it's more like a fight to find out who you really are on the inside. There will be tricks and traps but that's apart of life. Just put your trust into me and we can do anything. Maybe you can even learn somethings from me and I can learn somethings from you." he slightly smiled as he put his hand out for Suki. He sighed and yawned as he took jasper's hand "Your right. But in the end we will probably have to go against the others we met on the way to this point." he stood up with Jasper as he let go of his hand. "Yeah but we will fight together against them. And if Void and Star don't help that's fine we don't need them anymore since we have eachother." He smiled as he walked with Suki. "So what's first Su?" After Jasper said that Suki froze for a moment "Su? Is that my nickname now?" He looked back with a slight smile on his face. "Yeah Su, since I dunno I guess we are friends now so." He shrugged as he walked by Suki. "Ok then Jasp." He smiled as he nudged Jasper. He laughed a bit "Oh really? Ok then Prince Suki." He smiled a bit as he nudged Suki. "Oh you little!" He jokingly pushed Jasper as he laughed a bit. "Pffft! You think that'll do anything!" He picked Suki up over his shoulder in one swift move. "Put me down!!" He kicked and swung his legs and arms as he pouted in a joking way. "Never! Your mine now!" He laughed a bit as he spun Suki around the room while still holding him on his shoulder. "Jasper! Put me down! Or I'll vomit!" He said seriously, he had stomach problems ever since he was born. "Ok ok! Sorry!" He set Suki down as he gently hugged him. Suki was surprised by the hug but he didn't mind as he hugged back. He actually hugged back tighter since he hadn't hugged someone in a while. "Well Jasp, do you think you can dance?" He said as he backed away from the hug but stayed in arms reach. "I don't know I've never tried Su." He looked away as he was a bit embarrassed to say that. "Well how about we try? I can always teach you if I need to." He put his hands on Jasper in the waltz dancing way as he made music start playing. After a long time of trail and error they finally got the dance right and it looked beautiful. Anytime one of them messed up the other would laugh but help them, it was a good bonding moment. They had forgotten about everything bad as they kept dancing and running around the palace.

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