Chapter Two; Rude Awakening

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It was two in the morning, the light chocolate brown haired boy with pale skin,the prettiest pink eyes, the perfect freckles and adorable elf type of ears with a pure golden piercing on them had woken up from a dream that has been happening for a few days now. He sighed as he stood up, his nightgown flowing down like usual. The one thing he was mad about was that in the dream his hair had gotten messed up or that his clothes had gotten dirty but then he finally realized that it could mean something else since he saw a few others in the dream. He had opened his balcony doors and walked outside as the night breeze blew onto him, he then put his arms on the railing as he looked up at the moon. He couldn't help but smile as he looked down at the palace he resided in, tucked away in the largest forest with the gates that no one else could get into. Though it was lonely he felt happy with this life even though he didn't choose it. As the wind blew through his light chocolate brown hair and the moonlight made his eyes pop like sparkling rose quartz, something had caught his eye. It looked to be something falling from the sky into the mountain that was a few miles away from where he lived, so he decided to put on some clothes and go out to see what it was. After finally getting ready the time was three fourteen in the morning, he wasn't scared to walk in the forest alone as he knew where everything was. He grabbed some snacks and drinks and then went out to look for what had fallen from the atmosphere. After an hour of searching he finally found what had fallen and when he saw it his eyes widened as it was a boy. The boy had the brightest blonde hair that looked like it was glowing, he had pulsating star freckles which were glowing, his skin had steam coming from it which indicated that he was hot. I mean the boy did find the new boy quite attractive but that's beside the point. The boy being oblivious he touched the other boy but his skin wasn't burning hot anymore as it felt warm like freshly baked cookies. He couldn't help but notice the beauty in his face as the other boy had started to wake up, the other boy had eyes that looked like a million stars in one's eyes. His presence was like when a child sees a shooting star for the first time as the boy's presence felt like falling in love while baking with someone. Both were too shocked to speak but one finally decided to say, "so starboy do you have a name?" he smiled a bit as he grabbed onto the other boy's hand to help him stand up, his voice was soft and gentle like a mother who was talking to one of her children. "Starlight Hershey, but please just call me star. Now does someone like you have a name?." his voice was echoey and almost hypnotic, he gently took the boy's hand and stood up. "I'm Suki Viera but call me Suki." he gave a warm smile as he looked Star up and down but not in a bad way. "So Star, I see that you fell from the sky. Do you need a place to stay? I mean obviously you aren't from here so of course you'll need a place to stay. Sorry I'm just a bit confused about the situation." he sighed as he looked around slightly as he was silently panicking. "Sure Suki." He didn't really understand what was going on or what was happening. All he knew was that Suki was most likely the only person he could actually trust right now since he did just fall onto this unknown planet. Star felt as if his creator didn't love him anymore since he had just sent him to this planet without warning or anyone to help him out here. Suki walked Star back to the beautiful pink palace that had large pink gates with a heart on it. "Well uhm we're here, I hope you like it and if you don't that's fine too." he nervously laughed a bit as he put the password in for the gate. "Suki it's fine plus it's a fucking palace who wouldn't want to live here" he put a hand on suki's shoulder as he smiled slightly, it was as if they've known each other forever when in reality they've only just met. Suki smiled a bit as he walked Star into the palace and brought him into his room which was huge. It had big bookshelves filled with books, a huge closet that had so many clothes,shoes and other accessories, a big vanity that had makeup on it with tons of makeup brushes and perfumes laying on it, the bed was a big one with pink sheets and drapes around it, the balcony doors were decorated with hearts and other symbols of love, it was overall a comfortable place as it was neat and smelled so lovely. "Sorry if you think it's rather crow-' he had gotten cut off by Star, 'crowded?! This isn't even near crowded!" he said with pure shock in his voice as he looked around the room and looked up at the roof which had angels painted onto it. It was already late in the morning as it was four in the morning, the two were tired from walking and everything in general. Suki had given Star a change of clothes to help him get comfortable as suki changed back into his laced robe which had fuzzy lines on the sleeves, it was a hollywood robe that felt soft as anything ever felt before. Suki sat down on the bed as he looked at Star, "hey star, do you want anything to drink? I mean I have some sparkling water if you want some." he smiled at star. "Sure suki." he smiled back as he yawned slightly. Suki got up and walked over to the fridge as he brought two bottles of sparkling water for the both of them. He then got into bed as he was tired, he waited for star to get into bed too since it was late. He put his eucalyptus lotion on since it's used for calming down. He also put some of the lotion on Star as an act of kindness, they then fell asleep next to each other. Though they just met they already had a connection, they were both comfortable with each other's presence. They both could enjoy this moment together forever either as friends or as lovers it wouldn't matter to them. Suki,the most perfect Angel of Cupid's, falling in love with Star, the most powerful and most beautiful star in the sky. It was the perfect match, like chocolate and popcorn.

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