Chapter Six Part Three; Meeting Mother

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Suki and Void decided to go visit Void's mother. It was a long walk in dark,cold, and foggy forest. The path was barley visible it was a rough trail to walk on with sticks and rocks everywhere. The fog finally started to lighten up as they came up to a dark house that had warm lights on the outside. Void sighed as he walked up the stairs to the door and slightly knocked. Suki followed behind Void as he didn't want to be left behind. As he knocked on the door footsteps were heard approaching the door. The door opened and revealed a woman with long jet black hair, olive skin, purple and black eyes, wearing a black dress like she was going to a funeral. She looked no older than forty years old, she had black glasses and a big scar on the left side of her face. Her left eye was a bright purple as the right one was pitch black. She instantly hugged Void tightly as she smiled. Void tried to get away from her since he didn't like be touched unannounced. "Hi mom." Void said as he backed away from her and stayed next to Suki. "Hi Void, how's my favorite son doing?" She smiled a bit as she revealed her teeth a bit. "And who's this?" She said with an accusatory tone as she smiled a bit. "I'm fine and this is Suki, my friend." He gave her a glare as he stood in front of Suki. "So whats my little boy been up to?" She smiled a bit as she pulled a cigarette out of thin air along with a lighter. "I've been staying away from Dante and Viper." He sighed as he rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms as he talked to his mother. "Well I got a new partner who would love to meet you." She smiled more as she lit the cigarette and blew it at him. "Great." He sighed a bit. "Are they anything like Dante?." He rolled his eyes as he looked at Suki. "No he's not. It's rude to even assume that." She stepped away from void as she let out a dramatic sigh. "I missed you so much Void. Your what sixteen now? It's been years since I've seen you again." She then stepped closer to him "You've been letting your hair grow out. I guess it runs in the family." She put her hand on a piece of his hair as she ran her hand through it. "I've always wondered why your more like me than like your father. Then again Viper is purely like his father. I mean after all you weren't meant to be here. Your existence is pure luck since you're a pure void." She looked him up and down as she had a bit of disgust on her face. "And that one. He's an angel isn't he? I mean he has the features and everything." She scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "Don't talk like that about my friend." He balled his fists "He may be the son of Livida but that doesn't mean he's an asshole!" The tips of his fingers started to turn pitch black. "I can't believe I raised a failure." She sighed as she turned around from the two "When you turned three I knew you were hopeless after you showed no signs of being able to navigate the world like the rest of us. You never had a chance with using your powers so we just threw you out once you were nine." She looked back at Void and noticed his hands changing. "Wait a minute.. that can't be." Her eyes widened a bit as she slightly backed away. Suki felt the same anger as he allowed his wings to show. "Mom or should I say Mallory. I figured out how to use my powers over time thanks to you and Dante. All you did was throw me out with viper who left me for that stupid fucking camp!" The darkness went up his arms a bit, it was close to his elbows. "Plus about Suki. I've known him for a week now. And he's done nothing wrong but you on the other hand. You've always done something wrong." He slapped the cigarette out of Mallory's hand as he stepped closer. "You are an ungrateful brat that deserves nothing." She looked at him before slapping him. Suki instantly walked closer to Void as he took Void's pocket knife from his pocket. "Don't you ever fucking say that shit to him." He walked in front of Void, using his wings to shield Void. "You wouldn't stand a chance against me little boy." She smirked a bit as she made her sword appear. "You know what, if I win he comes with me and if I lose he gets to stay with you." He said with a sigh as he made his sword appear from a small cloud that appeared. Void slightly nodded as he stayed behind Suki, he hoped that Suki would win. "Oh? Alright then." She smirked more as she looked at the two "How about we take this outside then?" She walked past the two as she headed outside, Suki followed behind her with his sword in his hand. After fighting for a while Suki won, though he had gotten cut on his nose and by his eye he was still alive. "I won fair and square so that means void gets to stay free." He said as blood dripped down from his nose. She was down on her knee "Your right. You win for now." She allowed them to leave.

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