Chapter Four Part Two; The Meetup Goes Wrong

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As the arrow hit Ezekiel's shoulder, the attacker showed himself as he flew down from the tree. His glistening white wings showed no dirt on them at all as his light chocolate brown hair blew in the wind. As he put his bow back onto his back he spoke "is this fuckwad giving you trouble?" he glared at Ezekiel as his eyes had a little glow to them. The two girls were too scared to speak as they just slightly nodded as they slightly backed away. "This land is supposed to be peaceful and not full of violence and fear." he had a serious tone of voice as his voice had a hint of anger in it. "Who are you supposed to be." Ezekiel said while holding his spear in a ready position. "Suki. Suki Viera, Son of Livida. Ya know the queen of this land and the goddess of peace." he scoffed a bit as he closed his wings in as a protective force. "I thought she died years ago." Ezekiel replied as he walked closer ready to stab Suki. "You clearly are delusional then. And that pathetic spear won't do anything to me or my friend." he signaled for another person to come forward. As he did so another boy stepped out of the bushes, his hair glowing in the dark and his freckles pulsating like a star about to go supernova. "A two versus one? That doesn't seem fair now does it?." He scoffed as he lowered his spear a bit and backed away. "Well you chose a two versus one when choosing the fight against those two girls. So what's the difference here hm?." he had a big attitude when it came to these things as he grabbed his bow again. "It's because they are girls! They're weak compared to men!" Ezekiel saying that made Suki closer to snapping "Oh? So that's your only reason? Because they are girls? How about you fight me and then we'll talk." he stepped closer but Star held him back as he whispered "Suki don't it's not worth it." but Suki didn't listen as he brushed Star's hand off his shoulder and pulled his dagger out. "Oh so your one of those people." Ezekiel said with disgust in his voice as he brought his spear towards him. "And? What if I'm transgender? Why's that a problem? My existence clearly hasn't hurt you until we met." he narrowed his eyes as he looked at Ezekiel. "It really pisses me off that fuckers like you are so obsessed with someone else's life. It's just like the whole child birth thing, if someone doesn't want kids that's fine it's not like they owe you kids." he let out a sigh as he walked closer to Ezekiel without having any fear in his steps instead he was full of anger. "People like you deserve to rot in the deepest pits of hell." he said as he gripped onto his dagger more. "Come on and fight me girlie." that was the final straw, Suki took his dagger and charged at Ezekiel. As soon as Ezekiel was about to fight back, aiming for suki's chest something? No, someone appeared in the middle of the fight. He took the attack from Ezekiel as the spear stabbed him right in the eye. The new person let out a loud scream as the spear went into his eye but it surprisingly didn't go deeper into his head. Suki quickly grabbed the person and pulled him away from the spear as he grabbed an eyepatch from his bag and quickly put it on the new person's eye. Suki was crying a tiny bit as he didn't know what to do with himself and this person. While he was panicking and crying the new person put a hand on suki's face in a friendly way. "Listen's ok..after all I'll would take more than a-a spear to kill me..." he slightly smiled as he tried to calm Suki down. "No! It's not ok you just got stabbed! How is that ok?! Oh my gods! What if the fight is still going on?! What if it's star fighting!..." he started to panic more as he sat down in the grass. "I'll check for you." he looked over at the area to just to see Harley and Ezekiel fighting as Star is standing there looking at the fight with a concerned look on his face as he doesn't know what to do. "So yeah they are still fighting but it's just Harley and Ezekiel." he walked over to Suki and was trying to comfort him. "But that's not ok! None of this is ok!" he looked up at the boy as he sighed "who are you anyway? And why did you save me out of all people." he looked away. "Oh I'm Jasper. Jasper Woods well my full name is Jasper Helen Woods but just call me Jasper. And I saved you because why wouldn't I? I mean after all your probably the next Prince so." he shrugged as he sat by Suki. "So who are you?" He looked at him curiously. "I'm Suki, Suki Viera. But please just call me Suki and not Prince Suki." he said that last part in a joking tone as he slightly nudged Jasper.

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