Chapter twenty-six

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Minerva entered through the shop door.

She smiled as she saw the store's many merchandise, in all shapes, colors, and sizes, on display.

The store had a good number of customers even at this early hour.

The store's employees, in their purple uniforms, were actively walking around, helping buyers and customers and displaying the newest and latest releases.

Minerva felt the joy she felt whenever she entered the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes store, as if she was a little girl, although she never admitted it, but she saw that everyone needs to joke and have fun from time to time, and that is what made her not prohibit all trick products and pranks at school.

She began to remember the twins who founded the store, and she felt a wave of sadness pass over her when she remembered Fred Weasley. She always felt sad when remembering one of her former students who had died while fighting Voldemort and his followers.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a young man wearing a purple uniform and said to her in a foreign accent from which Minerva guessed that the young man was of French origin, "Hello, ma'am, how can I help you? Are you looking for something specific?"

Minerva said, "Hello, actually I want to meet George Weasley or Ron Weasley, preferably both."

Before the young man could open his mouth, another young man whom Minerva recognized as one of her old students came and said, "Welcome to the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Professor McGonagall."

Minerva said, "Hello, Mr. Rudlis. I wanted to meet George or Ron, can I?"

The young man, Rudlis, became a little nervous and motioned for the young Frenchman to go. He said to Minerva while feeling sorry, "Oh, I apologize to you, Professor. They both left a little while ago."

Minerva raised her eyebrows and said, "Both of them are not there." She always couldn't find them in the store every time she wanted them for something related to the school and their products, and she continued, "Can I wait for them to come back?" "

Rudlis swallowed hard and said, "I don't know when they will come, but I can deliver to them what you want from them, Professor," and he smiled at her nervously.

Minerva sighed. She wanted to end this matter directly today, not by Letters and owls.

Before she could move, someone came from behind her and said, "Hey Jacob, could you tell George to come right away?"

This was Angelina Weasley, George's wife.

Minerva looked at her. The young woman was holding a baby girl in her hands. Minerva guessed it was Roxanne. Next to her stood a small child with red hair, which Minerva guessed was little Fred.

Angelina said when Minerva noticed, "Ah, Professor McGonagall. Welcome, Professor. It's a nice coincidence to see you here." And She smiled at her.

Minerva smiled at her and said, "Hello, Mrs. Weasley."

Angelina said, "It's just Angelina, Professor, but what are you doing here at this time?" Then she smiled in amazement, "Did she come to buy something?"

"No, she came to meet George and Ron," Minerva said with a smile, "but unfortunately they are not here."

Angelina was surprised and said, "How come George is not here? He told me this morning that he would spend most of the morning in the store because they had an urgent order that needed to be delivered."

Rudlis was pointing at Angelina from behind Minerva with incomprehensible signals and gestures.

Angelina said, "Oh, they may be in the hideout. It's the place where they are when they want some quiet, to invent a new product away from the noise of the store. Come with me, Professor. I'm sure they're there."

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