chapter ten

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May 2008

Arthur was sitting in the living room in his burrow house. He had finished work early for the day and had come home to spend the rest of the day with his beloved wife, Molly.

thinking about His wife ، he remembers that he did not find her when he returned from work.
She had told him today before he went to work that she would go to their daughter Jenny to help her.
Jenny had recently given birth to Arthur and Molly's youngest grandchild so far (Lily Luna Potter). the smallest grandchild in the family.

This year was full of grandchildren, as (Roxanne Weasley) the daughter of George and his wife Angelina was born in it, and (Hugo Granger Weasley) the son of Ron and Hermione was also born, and in the end (Lily Luna Potter) the daughter of Ginny and Harry was born.

Molly was doing what she loved to do best, which was helping the young mothers in the family and showering them with advice. She was enjoying the help.

Arthur was reading the Daily Prophet when he heard a sound from the fireplace and then found his wife, Molly, coming out and brushing the ashes off her.

"Arthur, my dear," said Molly, "you're home early today."

Arthur replied, "Yes, how are you, Mollywobbles?"

"Oh, Arthur," she said, "I've tried to help Ginny as best I can, but she doesn't want me to overwork myself." ، And she keeps saying:
* < Mom, you were able to raise seven children, so three should not be a problem for me, because I am your daughter after all > * ، And also, little Albus began to accept the presence of a child younger than him and temporarily attract attention from him, and James, oh, Arthur, this child is really naughty, but good-hearted. he allowed to Albus to play with his toys a little when he was sad . "

"They are such lovely children," said Arthur, "and they lucky to have you as their grandmother, Molly."

Molly took off her cloak and hat and hung them up and went to sit beside Arthur and said, "What do you want to have for dinner today, my dear?"

Arthur replied, " do not, overwork yourself my dear Molly, I will make dinner today."

Molly laughed and said, "No way, your cooking is bad , I won't let you make dinner "

Arthur exhaled himself, and make a sad face . "But I make delicious sandwiches," he said.

"Let me make dinner, Arthur," said Molly. "I want you on another important matter, after dinner."

"Don't tell me it's about Charles again, Molly," said Arthur.

"I want to know the truth, Arthur," said Molly، He is my son and his future matters to me and I must know if he is hiding something from me "

Arthur exhaled himself. Molly was adamant about his decision, despite his many attempts to convince her.

The absence of Charles Weasley, the second son of Arthur and Molly, and his lack of many family meetings made Molly suspicious of him, and what made her confirm her suspicions was that she found a bottle to breastfeed children in his bag when she was collecting dirty clothes from his room, and when she asked him, he told her that it was for Little dragons , did he think she was foolish to believe this, so Molly resorted to an explanation that terrified her, which was that Charles had a secret child.

Charles had preferred working with dragons to marriage, and this is what he told his father and mother whenever they asked him.

Arthur tried to convince Molly that her thinking was illogical, and even if Charles had a child, why would he hide it, but Molly gave him more than one explanation and argument.

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