Chapter twenty-four

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ginny was in the Burrow's kitchen drinking a little water. Of course, she could have summoned a cup of water with her magic wand while she was in the living room with her mother and brothers, but she wanted to walk a little to reduce the stress.

The tension that she is currently feeling, along with a mixture of other emotions that she is feeling inside herself now.

Today was the day of the weekly family gathering at the Burrow and Arthur decided that they would meet Athena today. This gathering was limited to Ginny and her brothers Bill, Charles, Percy, George and Ron, in addition to Molly, Arthur and the spoiled Athena, the daughter of vile McGonagall.

Ginny felt a little anger growing inside her again. She took a deep breath to calm herself and drank a little water. She had promised her parents that she would meet the girl and treat her well.

After she finished, she returned to the living room.

The room contained Bill, the older brother, sitting with a book in his hand, reading a little and discussing with Percy sitting next to him for a little while, and at a distance from them, Charles was arguing lovingly with Molly, and Charles was trying to escape from his mother's advice to marry and settle in Britain with kindness and fun so as not to disturb her.

On one side, George and Ron sit, talking a little among themselves about one of their new versions of games and tricks.

Ginny smiled how much she loved her family , her parents, her brothers, her nephews, their wives, her young children, and her husband, Harry.

She went and sat next to Molly to help her mother convince Charles to at least get a girlfriend.

After a while, Ginny asked, wearily and sarcastically, "When will Princess Athena come? Are we going to wait for her all day?"

Molly said, "Your father went to pick her up from her house. They will come anytime with floo-powder ."

Ginny said, "I left my young children with their father so I could see your spoiled princess. I don't have much time. I have young children to take care of and a husband to take care of as well."

Ginny had left her three children with their father, Harry, to take care of them until she returned from this gathering. Of course, Andromeda (Teddy's grandmother) suggested that she and Teddy help Harry.

Ron said with a sideways glance at Ginny, Ron said with a sideways glance at Ginny, "You are upset because you are no longer the only princess in the family and you are no longer papa's only spoiled princess."

Ginny looked at him sharply and said, "I'm not thinking that silly way , Ronald Weasley."

Ron said, smiling nervously, "I was just kidding with you, Ginny, don't be upset."

George said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "You are no longer a princess, Ginny. You have become one of the queens of the family, like the best queen in the family, Molly Weasley." He smiled at his mother and continued, "And you have a little princess, Princess Lily Luna Potter. And don't forget, our family has a large number of "Cute little princesses, and you will remain the first princess in the Weasley family after three generations, my dear sister."

Ginny smiled shyly and said, "Stop fooling me, you fraudster, George."

George felt proud and said, "This is a compliment that makes me very happy, my little sister."

The people in the room laughed together and talked until they heard the sound of someone coming from the fireplace, and after a short while, Arthur and Athena entered the living room.

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