chapter eight

257 9 3

July 2002

The relationship between Minerva and Athena was tense these days, because of Minerva's decision to wean Athena after her second birthday, and make her get used to sleeping in her own room, and of course that did not satisfy Athena in any way.

It's been two weeks since Minerva's decision, and Athena is still asking her mother to breastfeed her and let her sleep next to her at night. Minerva's heart breaks every time she sees her daughter crying to breastfeed her or let her sleep next to her, but she knew that it was for her own good and that thought gave her a little strength.

Minerva was cleaning the house using her magic wand during her daughter's nap, and she was thinking, "August is approaching, what should I do? I have to go back to work. My vacation lasted two years now. The school council did not agree to continue the vacation any longer, and I also miss work."
These thoughts were filling Minerva's mind while she was cleaning.

Last year, Minerva asked to extend her leave for another year, arguing that his health was not good, because Athena was young and needed her, but now she should have returned to her work or resigned from it, but the idea of ​​resignation was inappropriate.

As for Minerva, yes, she loved her daughter more than anything in this life, but she needed her work and they could not depend on her savings forever, Athena still had a long way to go and she did not want her to suffer from lack of money, and this is a main reason for her return to work,
She must secure a good future for her daughter, so that she does not need anything.

But how will she tell her friends and colleagues about Athena, what will she say about her kinship with Athena, and why should she care about her? Will she tell the truth or make up a new lie?

Minerva sat on one of the chairs and let out a long breath. She was tired of thinking a lot, and she had no time left when she should have responded to the school council soon.

Her thoughts were interrupted by her daughter's voice as she entered the living room holding her favorite cat doll and rubbing her eyes while she yawned and said, "Mama, I'm hungry, can I get some biscuits?" Athena looked at her mother, that innocent look that Minerva knows she can't resist, and Minerva replied, "Okay." My kitty, I will get you some biscuits and a glass of milk." "Thank you, Mama," Athena quickly replied, smiling.

Minerva stood up and went to the kitchen, but on her way she heard a knocking on the door of the house. Minerva thought about who might be the knocker while she was on her way to the door, but she excluded Catherine who was on vacation with her family in Spain, so who?

She opened the door and was shocked, and she felt a coldness crawling through her body and surrounding her heart. She was not yet ready to tell him.
Her brother Malcolm and his wife Mary were standing in front of her.

Malcolm gave her a long hug. "Are you kidding, Minerva, all this time? Why didn't you tell me you were off work and you also left your house in Hogsmeade? ، Do you know how much we worried about you, you didn't mention all of that in the letters, and why are you staying here, Minerva, did something happen? , Are you well ? Is your health well?"

"Minerva," said Mary, "thank God, you look fine. We were so worried about you when we learned that you were on leave for your health."

Minerva stood like a statue, not knowing what to do or what to say, she kept staring at them, and nothing got her out of this freezing situation except for the voice of her little daughter, as she said from behind her in her childish voice, "Mama."

She took a deep breath and tried to regain control of herself and looked at Malcolm and his wife who were surprised by that child and her calling Minerva Mama.

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