chapter three

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Almost two weeks had passed since that night that Arthur and Minerva shared.

Until now, Arthur had been unable to tell Molly anything, and the more time passed, the less he wanted to confess to her, until a certain thing happened that made him decide not to tell her for a very long time.

At one of the Weasley family gatherings over the weekend at the Burrow, the family was gathered, in addition to Harry and Hermione, who had become part of the family.

Bill Weasley, Arthur and Molly's eldest son, stood up and said, "Listen to me. There is important news that Fleur and I want to share with you."

Fleur also stood up and Bill took her hand and they smiled at each other and Bill said, "Fleur and I are going to have a baby , Fleur is pregnant."

Everyone was silent for a few seconds to absorb the happy news, then the sounds of cheers and congratulations became louder and everyone raced to Bill and Fleur to congratulate them and shake hands with them.

That night, as Arthur was preparing for bed, joy filled his chest. He could not believe the news, he would become a grandfather, and he smiled to himself. He still remembered Bill's birthday as if it were yesterday.

A baby boy with red hair (like the rest of the Weasley family) and beautiful blue eyes. This baby has grown up and will soon become a father.

Molly joined him, also filled with joy, and said to him, “We will become grandparents, Arthur.”

Arthur smiled at her and said, "Bill got married and now he's going to be a father. The days go by quickly, Molly." Arthur embraced Molly in his arms and kissed the top of her head, and they slept in each other's arms.

After Molly's breathing became regular, which was a sign of her sleep, Arthur lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, thinking about what had happened two weeks ago. Would he tell Molly, but how would he tell her and ruin Belle and Fleur's joy? There was also a possibility that the family would collapse.

He would receive his first grandchild in a turmoil if he confessed to Molly now.

Arthur said to himself, "I think news of Molly will be delayed for an unknown period of time," then he closed his eyes, trying to sleep.

The beginning of November 1999

It was very cold at Hogwarts at this time of the year, but that was not the reason for Minerva's constant dissatisfaction and illness. She had gotten used to the Hogwarts atmosphere for a long time and it did not bother her in the first place, as she grew up in Scotland.

But she began to feel weak, lose her appetite, have a strong desire to vomit in the morning, and feel dizzy during the day.

Minerva sighed and said to herself audibly, “I seem to be getting older.” She was sitting at her desk at Hogwarts, finishing some school work and writing some important correspondence.

The image of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore replied, "Do not say that, my dear Minerva, that youth is youth of the soul."
He smiled at her with his pure and reassuring smile.

How much Minerva missed her teacher and friend Albus, Minerva smiled at him.

Minerva decided, contrary to her habit (she hated hospitals), to go to St. Mungo's so they could give her some doses to help her a little and stimulate her energy.

The next day in one of the examination rooms at St. Mungo's Hospital

Minerva said to the therapist, her face showing both incomprehension and shock at the same time, “What did you say? I think I didn't hear you well.”

The Healer replied, “I told you, Professor McGonagall, that you were pregnant at the beginning of the third month. I am surprised that you did not know for the past two months.”

Minerva replied, "Are you sure? Could you repeat the examination? I don't believe it."

The Healer replied, “Yes, I am sure, Professor. I have repeated the examination 3 times so far.”

Minerva replied, her voice mixed with some panic, "But how did that happen?"

The Healer looked at her and exhaled a long breath and said, “I am sure you know how this happens, Professor well, or do you want me to explain to you how babies come about?”

Minerva said, "But I'm old. I'll be fifty-five next year. Is that even possible? I thought it was menopause."

The therapist replied, “The matter is different among witches than among  muggles . Of course, it is a rare occurrence even among witches, but there are cases of witches who have given birth at an old age, although the matter also carries risks.”

Minerva looked at her sadly, she was like a person close to crying. The Healer noticed the matter and said to her, "It is up to you. You can abort the child, although it is also dangerous, or continue the pregnancy. Do not decide now. Take your time to think, Professor, and inform me next week." Are you going to continue this pregnancy or terminate it?"

And she continued, "I will give you some tonic potions and a potion that will help you overcome morning sickness, dizziness, and loss of appetite."

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