chapter five

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December 1999

Almost a month had passed since Minerva learned of her pregnancy, and from her decision to hide it, it was not easy.
Throughout that month, she was trying to reduce her meetings with her colleagues and friends during non-work times, and she used to argue that she was constantly tired and that her health was not good, and this  Justified if someone saw her in Saint Mungo Hospital, she used to go there weekly to follow up on her health and the condition of the fetus

She became madly craving sweets, especially chocolate, and she also craved strawberries.

The potions helped her a lot to reduce the symptoms and also provided her with energy.

Minerva was walking around Diagon Alley to buy some things and supplies that she needed.
She had to buy new clothes and robes to fit her stomach, which had started to grow a little. When she remembered that, she put her hands on her stomach and smiled.

She would buy robes and clothes from Madame Malkin for all occasions.

Minerva had decided to use a spell to hide her belly so that no one would find out, but she also needed loose clothes for her comfort.

While she was passing through the shops, a shop that sells baby and children’s supplies caught her attention, and she stopped to look at the display window. It was not time yet to buy baby supplies, but recently, anything related to infants began to attract his attention, such as books of care and attention to them, children’s room furniture, supplies, and toys and everything .

Minerva felt curious. She entered the store and looked at the exhibits, such as clothes and toys. She saw blue and pink socks. She went and picked them up and smiled at them. Suddenly, she heard someone calling her.

"My dear Minerva, what a wonderful coincidence, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Minerva turned to see who was talking to her, and when she saw her, she felt shocked, and her heart fell to her feet. She found Molly Weasley approaching her, with a pure smile on her face.

Molly said, "How are you, Minerva? You don't reply to my messages anymore, I was worried that something had happened to you, but Arthur reassured me and said that you must be busy running Hogwarts."

Minerva's color was white like a paper . She swallowed her saliva and tried to control her voice and her reaction. She said to Molly, "Molly, how are you? I'm fine. Don't worry. Yes, the work and management of Hogwarts takes a lot of my time."

"I'm doing very well," Molly replied cheerfully. "You heard the news, didn't you? Billy and Fleur are having a baby very soon. I'm so excited, first grandchild."
She looked around and said, "I've been buying Christmas presents and I just passed by and thought I'd buy some things for Billy and Fleur for the child.”
And here Molly noticed that Minerva was holding the socks of the infants, and she said in astonishment, “But what are you doing here, Minerva, are you buying something?”

Minerva tensed a little, but she replied firmly, "It is a gift for one of my friends who will have a baby soon."

Molly replied, "Well, Minerva, by the way, we're going to have a big Christmas gathering in the burrow. Why don't you come, you haven't been there for a long time. My children , Harry and Hermione will be very happy. You're so lovely to them, and Arthur and I will be so happy too."

Minerva replied, "I don't think I can come, Molly. I'm so sorry about that," and she smiled sadly.

"Don't apologise, Minerva," said Molly, "I'm sure you're very busy."

                         * * * * * *

In front of the store selling children's supplies, Minerva and Molly stood hugging and saying goodbye to each other after they bought some things.

"Bye, Minerva," said Molly.

Minerva replied, "Bye, Molly."

And the two women parted, and Minerva walked while catching her breath. It was a completely unexpected meeting.

Minerva compelled to buy children's socks from that store, two pairs of socks, one in blue and the other in pink.

Minerva completed her shopping to buy her supplies and Christmas gifts for her friends, colleagues and family, and returned to Hogwarts again.

  In her room at Hogwarts, Minerva sat in front of the burning fireplace with those stockings in her hands.
She thought, "What kind of fetus is it?"  Is it a girl or a boy?
She smiled while holding the socks, contemplating them with love. Her love for this unborn child had increased with the passage of days, she could not have imagined that.

She put the socks aside and took one of the children's care books to continue reading with it, in front of her a plate of strawberries and a hot chocolate drink.

Minerva was walking around the school corridors, the first term will end tomorrow and most of the school students will go home for the holidays, she decided to spend some days off at her house in Hogsmeade to rest a bit and start preparing the child's room and buying some of his supplies.

After all, the house is close to the school, so they can call her quickly if something arises.

Malcolm, her brother, had invited her and his wife to spend Christmas with them in France, as usual, but she refused kindly, citing the many works that she had to finish.

She placed her hands on her stomach and whispered to her, "It seems, my baby, that we are going to spend the holiday just together."

This is the first story I write.  Anyone have any advice, please send it to me.

I also want to know your opinion on the story.

Thank you for reading the story so far.

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