Chapter seventeen

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Mid-August 2008

the next day on the morning

In the dining room of the Minerva family home.
Minerva and her daughter were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

Minerva was thinking deeply, it had been almost two weeks since the last contact (letter) with Arthur, she was pleased with the news of Molly's forgiveness of Arthur and her return to the burrow , but she had already told Athena.

Arthur told her that he will not be able to communicate with her for a while until things settle down with Molly, and that he will send her a letter when things settle down in order to meet Athena.

Athena was a curious child from a young age, and it was natural for her to be excited to get to know her father. She used to ask her every day when she would meet her father.

Her thinking was interrupted by her daughter's voice. "Did Mr Arthur send any letters today, Mama?" said Athena.

Minerva sighed and said, "No, my child, he didn't send any letters today."

"Two weeks have passed," said Athena. "Do you think he regretted the decision to get to know me, and changed his mind?"

Minerva said, "I'm sure he hasn't changed his mind and wants to get to know you, Athena. The thing is, he has important work to finish first. I want you to be patient a little longer, my kitty."

Athena said, "But there is only one week left, and we will return to Hogwarts so that you can prepare for the new academic year at Hogwarts, and until I prepare for the new academic year for my school, as the summer vacation is almost over."

Athena was right, and Minerva knows that.

Athena was attending school in Hogsmeade and She is going to start her school year on the first of September.

Minerva sighed and said, "Don't worry, my little , he'll send a letter soon."

They went back to eating breakfast and Minerva returned to thinking again,  Is it possible that Arthur changed his mind, did he regret communicating with Minerva again, would he try to pretend that Athena does not exist, is Molly behind this, did she rush to tell Athena?

Then Minerva heard a knocking on the window and looked and found an owl, she stood up and went to the window and opened it and entered the owl, she took the letter from its foot, and immediately the owl went to the table to eat some food, and Athena gave her some food.

Minerva opened the letter, it was from Arthur telling her that he is ready to meet Athena and that she set a date for that.

Minerva smiled and said while looking at Athena, "The letter is from your father, telling me to set an appointment for you to meet."

Athena stood up and went to her mother and said, "Really, mother, he sent a letter at last, can we meet him today?"

Minerva said, "I think tomorrow will be better, my kitty ."

"Okay," said Athena, smiling nervously.

Minerva said as she left the room, "I will go to the office room to write him a letter with the appointment tomorrow, finish eating your breakfast, my little ."
Minerva went out and went to the office room, she was a little happy, although she did not know what exactly caused her happiness.

In the office he wrote a letter to Arthur telling him of the appointment tomorrow, and that she would be waiting for him at the The Three Broomsticks inn in Hogsmeade.

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