Chapter twenty-one

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George looked at Athena, thinking about the similarities between her and the Weasley family, and the similarities between her and Professor McGonagall.

He sighed and put the things he was carrying on the kitchen table and lowered himself to Athena's level and said, "Hello, Athena. Yes, I am your brother." He continued, smiling at her, "George Weasley is at your service, Miss."

Athena smiled at him and said, "Hello, George."

He said as he stood up again, "May I have a word in private, father?" Then he looked at his mother and Athena and smiled, "My father and I will talk for a little while. Excuse us for a little while."

Molly said, "Don't get your father tired , George. He's still sick."

"Don't worry, mother ," George said.

George and Arthur went to the living room and they both sat down.

George said, "What's going on, Father? How long have you and Mother been in contact with Professor McGonagall's daughter?"

"She's my daughter too, George," Arthur said. He sighed and continued, "I've met her since mid-August."

George said in astonishment, "Since August, father, and all this time, and you haven't told us?" He sighed and continued, "Tell me everything, father, from the beginning to the presence of your daughter from another woman with my mother in the kitchen while they were making cakes and biscuits."

Arthur sighed and told George everything.

George said, "Why didn't you tell us? Why did you and my mother hide it from us?"

Arthur said, "I was planning to tell you and your siblings, but I was waiting for the right time." He sighed and continued, "I didn't want to upset you and your siblings or cause tension in the family again."

George said, "You'll find it strange, Father. But Bill, Charles, Percy, Ron and I were talking about it. Bill was planning to talk to you and find out your position on the little girl... I mean Athena."

Arthur said, "Really! Ginny wasn't there with you and yoursiblings. I mean, didn't she talk to you and your siblings about it either?"

"Of course she wasn't there," George said. "Ginny's position on the matter is clear."

Arthur said, "What do they think? What do the rest of your brothers think?"

George said, "We agreed to decide after we know your position and decision regarding Athens."

Arthur said, "It is not the girl's fault. I will not act as if she does not exist. She is my daughter and I am her father, and I will not evade my responsibility towards her." He then began coughing violently.

George said, "Let's talk about this after you recover from the flu, father."

"Okay," Arthur said.

Molly entered the living room with a tray in her hand containing tea for George and lemon-herbal drink for Arthur, and behind her was Athena carrying a plate of some biscuits.

After she sat down, Molly said, "George, how are you and how are Angelina and the kids doing?"

George said after taking the cup of tea, "We are fine, Mum, and of course little Freddie is still adjusting to the idea of ​​having a little sister."

Athena had also sat down and had a biscuit to eat.

George ate a biscuit and said, "It's wonderful, mother ."

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