chapter four

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Minerva returned to her room at Hogwarts, sat down in a comfortable armchair, tried to make herself comfortable, and allowed herself to think for a long time.

How did this happen?, and why now? And why by this way?

The dream of having children had visited her from time to time in the past, but she did not think it was possible.
Minerva had married at the age of thirty-seven, but her husband, Elphinstone Urquart, was almost twenty years older than her. Also, the duration of their marriage, which had been three years, was short.
Her happy marriage had ended , After her dear husband died from the poisonous bite of the Venomous Tentacula

And she did not have any romantic relations with any other man after her husband, so the dream of having children seemed to get further away with the passage of the years

Why is it happening now from one night?

Whenever she thought about the decision to have an abortion, she felt guilty and disgusted with herself. How could she kill an unborn child? How could she kill her own child? Yes, her child. The idea was very strange in Minerva’s mind, but as the hours passed, she began to adapt to the idea.

I heard that Bill Weasley's wife Fleur is also pregnant and she and Bill will have a baby soon.

When thinking about the matter, Arthur would have a child and a grandchild in the same year (his eighth child and first grandchild). The idea was very funny to Minerva, and she began to laugh very loudly with some hysteria, then she was silent,  she remembered Arthur.

Will she tell him she is pregnant?
And how will you tell him?
Will he be angry with her?
Is it possible to force her to abort the baby?
What should she do?

But thinking about the matter, it was not just Arthur who she was afraid to tell, what would she say to her co-workers, her friends, and her family (her brother Malcolm, his wife, and their children residing in France)?

How will everyone react to her illegitimate pregnancy?

What will the reaction of the Hogwarts Board of Governors be?
Will they vote to remove her from her position as school  headmistress of this scandal?

She exhaled a long breath, this is complicated, it is better to stop thinking about it temporarily.

She got out of the chair and into her bedroom to rest for a while, as she had work tomorrow.

Minerva was preparing to visit St. Mungo's Hospital tomorrow, as the week's deadline has expired, and she must go tomorrow with her decision to inform it to the Healer

Minerva was in her office at Hogwarts, walking back and forth, reviewing her decisions once again.

She had decided to keep the pregnancy and have the child, and she had decided that she would not tell Arthur, she would not drag him into her private mess, and she had decided not to tell everyone, and this decision was difficult to implement. How would she hide her pregnancy from all her colleagues and friends that she saw every day? It would require a very great effor from her .

She stopped in front of the fireplace and took a deep breath, 7 long months of pregnancy ahead of her.

Do you think Minerva's decisions are correct or not?

This is the first story I've written. If anyone has any advice, please send it to me.

I want to know what you think of the story so far as well.

Thank you for reading the story so far.

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