033: Dr Strange

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Aria arrives at the Sanctum Sanctorum

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Aria arrives at the Sanctum Sanctorum. She goes to knock on the door, but before her fist could make contact the door slowly opens. She walks in confused. She looks around before looking up to see a man flying down.
"Aria Stark." The man says.
"Dr Strange?" Aria asks.
"That's me." Dr Strange says. "Nice to finally meet you, miss Stark."
"How do you know who I am?" Aria asks, slowly walking forward.
"I know who everyone is Miss Stark." Dr Strange says.
"That's not creepy at all." Aria says sarcastically, causing Dr Strange to let out a small laugh. Aria then let's out a sigh. "I need your help."
"I guessed that. What can I help you with?" Dr Strange asks.
"Something happened to me a couple months ago. It was like I was sent back in time. But I have a feeling it may be something else as before it happened I didn't have powers, but now I do." Aria explains.
"I have a feeling I may know what has happened. But, is it okay if I run a couple of tests to see if I am right?" Dr Strange asks.
"Yeah. Anything. Do anything you need to, to help me figure out what happened to me." Aria says. "I give you full consent."
"Perfect. Follow-" Dr Strange starts, but freezes as he looks towards the door.
"What is it?" Aria asks.
"Someone's coming." Dr Strange says.
As Aria turns to the door they slowly open.
"Dad?" Aria asks, as Tony steps into the Sanctum. "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing. Your meant to be in school." Tony says.
"How did you know I was here?" Aria asks.
"The tracker on your phone. I set it so it went off every time you left somewhere." Tony says.
"Dad, that's crazy!" Aria says.
"Well considering the life we have, I wouldn't say it's that crazy." Tony says.
"Whatever. Just go home." Aria tells him.
"I'll go home. But you're coming with me." Tony says.
"Dad, I can't go home yet. I've got something to do." Aria says.
"Mr Stark. If I may." Dr Strange says. "Why don't you come with us. Maybe you could help."
"Fine. But we're going straight home after whatever this is." Tony says, looking straight at his daughter.
The two men start to walk away. Aria sighs before following them.

Dr Strange toke Aria and Tony down to the Ruins of Calmataj. While Aria and Tony stand by the enterance, looking around the room, Dr Strange walks to the middle of the room.
"You guys just gonna stand there and gawk, or are we going to get this done?" Dr Strange asks.
"Right. Sorry." Aria says walking over to the middle of the room.
Tony quickly follows behind.
"So, what are you going to do to my daughter?" Tony asks, after being made aware of the situation.
"Just going to do a small spell. It may hurt a little, and you'll see flashes of things you have seen before. Then I can determine what has happened to you. As, if you were sent back in time, you will see things that haven't happened yet." Dr Strange says.
Tony then turns to Aria, placing a hand on her arm.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Tony asks, causing Aria to nod.
"I'm sure." Aria says, looking at her dad before looking at Dr Strange. "Let's do this."
Tony walks over to stand next to Dr Strange.
"You better know what you are doing." Tony tells him.
"Don't worry. I do." Strange says. "Starting the spell in 3...2...1."

Aria sees flashes of everything in the future. She gasps as Strange finishes the spell. She falls onto her knees, as Tony rushes over to her, kneeling down in front of her.
"You okay, sweetheart." Tony asks, holding a hand out to her.
Aria looks up slightly scared, but nods, breathing heavily.
"I'm okay." Aria breaths out.
Tony helps Aria up as they turn to Dr Strange.
"So..." Tony says.
"What happened? Was I sent back in time?" Aria asks.
"You weren't sent back in time. You travelled to another universe after your universes version of me casted a spell. You and the Aria Stark from this universe swapped places." Dr Strange explains.
"Oh my god." Aria says.
"Now, I can send you back to your universe now, or you can stay here." Dr Strange says. "But I must say, if you stay here, you can't change any major parts of the future. If you do, it could completely change the timeline and 'cause a lot of chaos."
"So what? I have to just sit back and let loads of bad stuff happen?" Aria asks.
"I'm afraid so." Dr Strange says.
"Listen, sweetheart. This is your decision. And your decision alone." Tony tells her.
"I'll stay. Maybe that way I can help. Even if it is only slightly." Aria says.
"Very well." Dr Strange says.
Dr Strange and Tony fall into a conversation about something, but Aria couldn't hear them, she zones out staring at the floor, as she takes in what has happened to her.

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