024: The Crumble of Friendship

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Aria and Peter were sat on a metal frame, Tony floating in the air infront of them

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Aria and Peter were sat on a metal frame, Tony floating in the air infront of them.
"What were you guys thinking?" Tony asks.
Peter then starts to rant about what happened, but Aria zones out, looking at her fathers suit, knowing something was off.
"How did you find us? Did you put a tracker in our suits?" Peter asks.
"I put everything in your suit." Tony answers. "Including this heater."
Steam then comes out of Peter's suit.
"Ah, thanks." Peter says, warming up from the cold water.
"Again, what were you guys thinking?" Tony asks.
"The guy with the wings is the source of the weapons. We gotta take him down." Aria says.
"Take him down, huh? Slow down, Crockett, there are people who handle this sort of thing." Tony says.
"The avengers? Have you forgotten that I'm one of them?" Aria asks.
"No, this is a little below their paygrade." Tony says.
"Anyway, Mr Stark, you didn't have to come all this way. We had that. We were fine." Peter says.
"He's not here." Aria says, as realisation hits her.
"She's right." Tony says, as the mask comes up to reveal no one there. "Thank god this place has wi-fi, or you guys would be toast right now. Look, just forget the flying vulture guy."
"Why?" Peter asks.
"Why! Because I said so! Tony shouts, before quietly talking to someone else. "Stay close to the ground. Build up your game helping little people, like that lady who brought you those churro's. Can't you guys just be friendly neighbourhood hero's?"
"But we're ready for more then that." Aria says.
"I know you are, sweetheart. I've seen it." Tony says.
"I am to." Peter says.
"No your not." Tony says, as the helmet closes.
"That's not what you thought when I took on Captain America." Peter says.
"Trust me , Pete. If Cap wanted to lay you out, he would have." Aria tells him.
"Thanks for having my back." Peter snaps.
"Listen to me, if you come across these weapons again, call Happy." Tony tells the two.
The Iron man suit then flies off.


"I can't believe he doesn't believe we're ready for more." Peter says, as he and Aria head back to the party.
"Maybe he's right." Aria says.
"What?" Peter asks.
"I've already seen what a big mission is like. I've gone on one. And I wasn't ready for it and I still am not." Aria tells him.
"We'll just because you aren't ready doesn't mean that I'm not." Peter tells her, causing her to let out a sigh.
"I know." Aria says. "But trust me when I tell you that I don't think you are. You should just sit back and relax a little." Aria tells him, causing Peter to scoff as he stops walking.
"You don't believe in me do you?" Peter asks, causing Aria to look at him shocked as she takes a deep breath.
"Of course I do." Aria says.
"No you don't. If you did you wouldn't say I have to relax." Peter says.
"Pete, your over reacting. I do believe in you, okay. I just don't want to see you get hurt." Aria tells him, causing him to scoff again.
"Just admit that you think your better then me." Peter tells her.
"That's not the case at all." Aria says. "That's not the case and you know it."
"Do I? You're Tony Stark's daughter. Anyone would think your better then me." Peter says.
"But I don't." Aria says. "Why are you being like this?"
"Like what? Why am I stating what you're to afraid to say." Peter says.
"Peter! I don't think any of that. I'm just worried that your gonna get hurt." Aria says
"And you think you won't?" Peter asks.
"I don't care if I get hurt. Just please. Think about what I said." Aria says.
"Whatever, Ariella." Peter says, clearly really annoyed. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Peter wait." Aria calls out, as Peter starts to walk away. "Peter!"
Aria sighs, placing a hand on her head as she leans against a tree as Peter disappears from view.


On her way back to the party, Aria finds something glowing on the ground.
"What the hell?" Aria questions.
She walks over picking it up to find a weapon the guys from before had been using.

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