025: Alien Technology

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Aria had left the device in Peter's room at his apartment

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Aria had left the device in Peter's room at his apartment. She knew he didn't want to talk to her, but she also new Peter wanted to do more, so letting him figure out what sort of weapon this thing was would let him do that.
Aria was pacing around her room when a knock on the door causes her to look up.
"Hey." Pepper says softly.
"Hey." Aria replies.
"Your father called me and told me what happened." Pepper says, walking over and sitting on the bed.
"I guessed he would." Aria says, sitting on her bed next to Pepper.
"Your dad can be crazy sometimes. But so can you. Don't stay mad at him." Pepper tells her.
"He's caused me and Peter to fight, Pep." Aria says, causing Pepper to let out a sigh.
"I know, sweetie. But Peter will come around. You guys are best friends." Pepper reassures her.
"I hope your right." Aria says.
"If you want you can stay off school until your father gets back from his trip." Pepper says.
"Will dad be okay with that?" Aria asks.
"Your dad left me in charge while he was away. So he doesn't have a say." Pepper says, causing Aria to laugh.
"Thanks, Pep." Aria says.
"Of course." Pepper says.
Pepper kisses Aria on the head before walking out the room.


Peter was in class working on the device Aria had left in his room when Ned and Gwen walked up to him.
"Hey, thanks for bailing on us." Gwen says.
"Yeah, well... something came up." Peter says, gesturing to the device.
"Woah, what is that?" Ned asks.
"I don't know. Some guy tried to vaporise me and Aria with it." Peter says.
"Really?" Ned asks.
"Yeah." Peter says.
"Awesome." Ned says, causing Peter to look at him and Gwen to hit him round the back of the head. "I mean, not awesome. Totally uncool that guy. So scary."
"Talking about Aria, do you have any idea where she is? We haven't heard from her or seen her all day." Gwen says.
"Me and Aria aren't exactly on speaking terms right now." Peter says.
"Why? What happened?" Ned asks.
"It's complicated." Peter says. "Well, look, I think it's a power source."
"Yeah, but it's connected to all these microprocessors." Ned points out. "That's an inductive charging plate. That's what I use to charge my toothbrush.
"Whoever's making these weapons is obviously combining the alien tech with ours." Peter says.
"That is literally the coolest sentence anyone has ever said." Ned says. "I just want to thank you for letting me be apart of your journey..."
"You guys are so lame. I'm gonna go try and get ahold of Aria." Gwen says, cutting Ned off, before walking away.

Gwen was stood just outside the classroom calling Aria before she hears a crash from inside the classroom just as Aria answers.
"Hey Gwen." Aria says, as Gwen looks into the classroom to see Peter holding a hammer after hitting the device.
"Keep your fingers clear of the blade." The teacher shouts.
"What was that?" Aria asks.
"Uhm, I don't know. I'll go find out and call you back." Gwen says.
"Okay?" Aria says slightly confused.
Gwen then hangs up and sneaks into the room.
"What was that?" Gwen says, before seeing the piece of Alien tech on the table. "Holy sh-"
Gwen cuts herself off looking at the teacher who seemed distracted by the book he was reading.
"We gotta figure out what this thing is and who makes it." Peter says.
"We'll go to the lab after class and run some test." Ned suggests.
"Let's do it." Peter says.
Peter and Ned then do their handshake causing Gwen to roll her eyes.
"Again lame." Gwen says, walking away from the two boys once again.


After Gwen had quickly hung up on her, Aria was sat on her bed reading a book. She looks up to see Rhodey.
"Hey, kiddo. How's packing going?" Rhodey asks.
"How do you think?" Aria asks, gesturing to her room which still had everything in its place. "I've been to busy helping pack up all of dad's technology things that I haven't had time to pack up any of my stuff. I never realised how much technology my dad has."
"He does have a lot." Rhodey says.
"I'm gonna start packing all this up this afternoon." Aria says.
"Talking about what your doing today. Why aren't you in school?" Rhodey asks, walking over and sitting next to Aria on the bed.
"Things aren't great with me and Peter..." Aria starts.
"You mean Spider-Boy?" Rhodey asks.
"Yes. Things aren't great with him so Pepper has let me take time off school." Aria says. "Plus, it gives me chance to catch up on packing."
"Maybe things not being to good is for the best." Rhodey tells her.
"What do you mean?" Aria asks.
"In our lives it's best not to have close relationships as anything can happen to you or them." Rhodey tells her.
"But you and dad are close." Aria points out.
"We knew eachother before." Rhodey says.
"And the avengers. We were all close and a family." Aria says.
"We were a family because we had to be. The world wouldn't have trusted us if we didn't work together." Rhodey says. "Just think about what I said."
Aria nods, looking away. Rhodey kisses Aria's forehead before standing up and walking out the room, leaving Aria to think about what he said.

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