017: Two Months Later

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It had been two months since the events of the Sokovia Accords

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It had been two months since the events of the Sokovia Accords. Aria had gotten use to the new normal. Well, the not so new normal. Aria still didn't understand what had happened that sent her back in time. But she was still getting use to this new world and her powers. She finally felt at home after everything that happened.


Aria was at Peter's Apartment. While Peter had been talking to Aunt May, Aria had found the video Peter made while in Berlin. Aria watched laughing, as Peter walked in.
"What are you laughing at?" Peter asks.
"Just your video you made while in Berlin." Aria says.
"What? How did you find that?" Peter asks, rushing over and pulling the memory card out of the computer.
"Come on, it was funny." Aria says, sitting up on his bed.
"Exactly why I don't want anyone seeing it. It's embarrassing." Peter says.
"It's cute." Aria says, causing Peter to laugh.
"Really?" Peter says awkwardly.
"Yep." Aria says, smiling.
Aria laughs before her phone goes off.
"Happy's here. I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow." Aria says.
"See you tomorrow." Peter replies.
Aria grabs her bag before walking out of Peters room, and saying goodbye to Aunt May as she leaves the apartment.


Aria arrives at school and walks over to Peter just as Flash Thompson nearly runs him over.
"What's up, Penis Parker?" Flash shouts.
"I am seriously going to kill him." Aria says.
"It's fine, Aria. Don't worry about it." Peter tells her, before the pair walk to their lockers.
'Rise and shine Midtown Science and Technology. Students don't forget about your homecoming tickets. Do you have a date for homecoming...'
The best friends get to their lockers which were next to each other. They both were grabbing their books when Ned and Gwen come up to them.
"Join me and together we'll build my new Lego Death Star." Ned says.
"What?" Peter asks. "That's awesome how many pieces?"
"3,803." Ned answers.
"Oof. You guys have fun with that." Gwen says.
"You girls are helping to." Ned says.
"Yeah, no thanks." Aria says, closing her locker as Peter does the same.
"Come on. It will be fun." Peter says.
"You wanna build it tonight?" Ned asks.
"I can't tonight, I got the Stark Internship." Peter answers, as the group start walking.
"Always got that internship." Ned says.
"Yeah, we'll hopefully soon it will lead to a new job." Peter says, causing Aria to laugh slightly.
"Sorry." Aria says, as her best friends all look at her confused.
Ned starts rambling on about the Death Star, but Aria catches Peter staring at Liz Allen.
Aria had to admit it hurt. Her and Peter kissed two months ago and it's like Peter completely forgot about it. They hadn't talked about it since. Aria tried to bring it up for the first couple weeks after but soon gave up.
"I'm going to head to class. I'll see you at lunch." Aria says, trying to get away from the situation.
"I'll come with you, our classes are right next to each other." Gwen says, causing Aria to nod.
"See you boys at lunch." Aria says, before her and Gwen walk away.
"So what's going on with you and Peter?" Gwen asks.
"Nothing. We're just friends." Aria answers.
"Yeah, right." Gwen says with a slight scoff.
"Fine. We kissed. Two months ago. But it doesn't matter anymore. He's moved on and is now crushing on Liz. Maybe he didn't have to move on maybe he never liked me at all. No one knows. Now all I can do is move on myself." Aria says, before someone bumps into her.
"I am so sorry." The person says.
"Watch where your-" Aria starts, before seeing a cute guy in front of her. "Actually, don't worry. It's okay."
"I'm Elijah. Elijah Stone" The guy asks.
"Aria. Aria Beckett." Aria replies. "And this is my best friend Gwen Stacey."
"Well, I would have to stay and chat, but I got to go to the office and get my timetable. I've just got to find it first." Elijah says.
"I'm guessing you're new." Aria says.
"What gave that away." Elijah says, as they both laugh.
"The office is just round the corner that way." Aria says, pointing in the direction her and Gwen had just came from.
"Thank you. I'll see you around, hopefully." Elijah says.
"Of course." Aria says.
Elijah then walks away and Aria turns to Gwen who was smirking.
"Well..." Gwen starts.
"What?" Aria says.
"What about him? He's cute." Gwen says.
"Shut up." Aria says laughing.
Aria pushes Gwen slightly before they start walking to their classes.


Aria and Gwen walk over to the lunch table in the cafeteria where Peter and Ned were staring a Liz, who was hanging up the banner for homecoming.
"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy." Peter says.
"Too late." MJ Watson says, causing Aria, Gwen and the boys to look at her as the girls put their trays down and sit down. "You guys are losers."
"Well, then why do you sit with us?" Ned asks.
"Because I don't have any friends." MJ replies.
Aria was looking down at her food, not seeing two people walking up to the table.
"Aria!" The brunette looks up and smiles when she sees who it is.
"Elijah! Hey." Aria says, not noticing Peter glancing between her and Elijah.
"Hey. This is my sister, Katie." Elijah says, pointing to the girl next to him. "Kate,  this is the girl I was telling you about. This is Aria."
"Nice to meet you." Katie says.
"Nice to meet you as well." Aria says. "Do you guys want to join us?"
"If it's okay with everyone?" Elijah asks, looking at Gwen and Ned, before his eyes land on Peter who was slightly glaring at him.
"Of course it's fine." Aria says, before turning to her friends. "Right, guys?"
"Right." Gwen and Ned say.
Elijah and Katie smile before going to get their food then returning.

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