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Bonnie groans, wincing at the bright light that shines in her eyes, attempting to twist her body when she realizes she can't

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Bonnie groans, wincing at the bright light that shines in her eyes, attempting to twist her body when she realizes she can't. Looking down at her hands, she grimaced when she sees wet rope around her wrists, catching the same rope around her ankles.

She looks around, looking up to see a hole where the bright light was coming from. Her eyes squint, trying to see if there was anything up there when she hears a pained moan besides her.

From the looks of things it seems Bjorn was in the same position as her, only his eyes were black, like she had seen Imani's do several times. His head was tilted, muttering a few curses in a language she didn't understand. "Við höfum það gott, Ívar. En töfrum okkar hefur verið ... átt við." (translation; We are doing well, Ivar. But our magic has been...used.)

"What's going on? What happened?" Bonnie panics. If Bjorn was tied up, he couldn't get out. The rope was soaked in a substance she's never heard of before, but it hurts her. It feels like what she imagines vervain to feel like for vampires.

Bjorn looks at her, snapping the rope from his wrists and ankles with a scoff, "Not a vampire."


Bjorn works at getting the rope cut from her wrists before working on the ones around her ankles, as Bonnie rubs at her burned writs, blowing cold air to help the pain. "Bjorn?"

"Are you okay?"

"Are you?"

"I will be when we get out of here," Bjorn looks up, grimacing at the bright light. He was panicking inside. He's never seen creatures like that before. None that held power like that, at least.

Bjorns eyes glow bright blue, a blue mist surrounding his hands. He thrust his arms out, grunting when he feels a push back on his magic. Shaking his head he pushes forward again, trying to get a read on the room, or more appropriately hole, him and Bonnie were in.

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