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"Are you okay?" Caroline asked Bonnie as she caught up to the young witch in the halls of Mystic High

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"Are you okay?" Caroline asked Bonnie as she caught up to the young witch in the halls of Mystic High.

Since last night, everyone has been texting and calling the Bennett witch asking her various questions that all sound the same.

Are you okay?

How are you alive? I heard your heart stop!

Do you know what's going on?

How are we gonna do this if nothing is going our way?

Are you sure you're okay?

And Bonnie gives them the same response, varied depending on the question.

I'm fine.

I don't know. I guess, luck?

No I don't know what going on, but I'll find out.

We will find a way, we always do.

I'm fine, really. Never been better.

But she doesn't feel better. She feels worse. Things are strange around her, and she's still new to this witch thing, her Grams is gone so she has no one to tell her what direction she should go.

"I'm fine, Care, honestly, it was just a spook," Bonnie said as they walked into Alarics classroom.

"Are you okay?" Elena whispered when Bonnie sat down.

Bonnie sighs, giving the doppelgänger a tired smile that was accompanied with a nod. "Are you sure?" Stefan asks from beside them. Same reply.

Alarics walked into the room, his eyes immediately landing on Bonnies, same question in them as the others had. Are you okay?

No. No she wasn't. She never will be, but no one can help her out with it like her Grams could've. None of them understand the struggle she faces everyday not only being their friend but being herself.

Bonnie nods, eyes leaving his to the clock above his head.

8:30. Sigh, Bonnie looks down at her notebook, this is going to be a long day.

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