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"What happens now?" Damon asks

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"What happens now?" Damon asks.

"We can talk to her?" Stefan suggests.

Damon scoffs, eyes rolling, "And say what? Hi, we are currently trying to kill your husband, mind not adding more problems to our already growing list?"

"Or, we could ignore her?" Elena says.

"How did we not know Klaus was married?" Caroline asks herself thinking back to all the times she flirted with the man and he flirted back.

Bonnie shakes her head, "I need to go home."

"What?!" Elena shrieks. "But what if she comes after us? We need to stick to together."

"I'm a witch, Elena, I'll be alright."

"So is she," the silence the follows after Damon's statement is loud.

"What?" Elena asks, shaking her head as her breathing starts to get heavier. "How is that possible?"

"Don't know, but Female Klaus is a problem bigger than we need," he shrugs, looking at Alaric for help.

"Maybe, going home is a good idea," Damon shakes his head furiously at Alarics words, "as long as we don't let anyone inside our homes." Bonnie nods her head up and down in agreement, Caroline doing the same.

Stefan looks at his sort of girlfriend sort of ex-girlfriend, "Do you agree?"

"No I don't," Damon says, "what kind of witchy nonsense does this lady have? We don't even know what she looks like-"

"I do," Bonnie says. All eyes meet her figure as she opens her mouth. "She looks like-" suddenly her hand starts to burn like it did when it touched the coffin. "Ahhh!"

"Bonnie! Bonnie!" Caroline and Elena shout rushing to help the young Bennett who falls down in pain.

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