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860 𝓒𝓔

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860 𝓒𝓔

𝓡𝓪𝓰𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓭𝓸𝓶

All magic comes at a price. That's what Undaku said when he gave him the power he has now. The magic that has given him enough power to conquer other worlds, discover new places, new treasures, everything he had always wanted and more.

It's everything he dreamed of and more. Here he is. The leader of the Great Heathen Army. He will be remembered for all of time. Men, women, children, will tell one another tales of his victories to their children, and to their children.

And nothing would put a stop to him. He's building an empire that child him could have only dreamed of. The young him would have just watched his brothers build empires, families, from the ground, but not him today. Today he has an army that listens to his commands, hangs on every word like the Christians with gospel, he ensures the safety of families, conquers more land than any other.

However, there were, or rather are, a few things that made him down, yow high he found to be rather inconvenient. One of said inconveniences is with his brothers. His brothers, all except Hvitserk, and him at odd ends. They did not like his actions. All the lives that have been ruined since his reign began, or how he treats his slaves, but he is Ivar the Boneless.

He cannot be killed.

He will not be killed.

Even if he had not had the best relationship with them before Sigurd, before all the wars and land he has conquered, it still bothered him to know that they had not once congratulated him on the blood he has made others shed.

After all, the one thing he hears the young children say to one another about him is that Ivar the Boneless cannot be killed by men, he will not be killed by anyone, man, woman or child. Even as the kings man from another kingdom come after him in the rain.

He gets on his chariot, whipping the whips for the horse to starts galloping, making the villagers and soldiers quickly move out of his way, fear encompassing their bodies at Ivar, all villagers that are not fighting leaving to hide watching from the windows of whatever is left of their homes as he's knocked down off his chariot and into the mud below.

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