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"Mother..." Niklaus says warily, watching his wife in caution. This was all new to them. Nothing is the same as it was the previous day. He cannot fathom what his wife is going through, but he knows that if his emotions are haywire, then so must hers.

"I-I had to," Esther stutters, "but the b-book."

"The book?"

Esther nods.

"My Mothers book..." Imani mutters, turning to walk back into her family home, "is not to be touched. Neither are they."

"Imani," Nikolai starts.

"No," Imani interrupts him, shaking her head. The Mikaelsons watch with bated breath as her solid black eyes return to their normal dark brown, "leave me alone."

"We cannot let you grieve alone, Imani-"

"Why not? Esther, seeing as you did not know we could no longer be in the sun, you are not even sure of what we are, my parents and sister are dead. Being alone..." she trails off as, "I will not be. I must inform the rest that they are gone."

"What's wrong?" Lilian asks the healer, arms crossed across her chest  looking at Ivar and Bjorn as they lay on beds, black eyes blinking every so often, breathing slow and low

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"What's wrong?" Lilian asks the healer, arms crossed across her chest looking at Ivar and Bjorn as they lay on beds, black eyes blinking every so often, breathing slow and low.

The healer shakes her head, "It is something I have yet to come across."

"Lilian!" Everyone in the hut turned to face the voice, hands on their swords ready to fight whoever they needed to.

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