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"I've found a scent," Bjorn tells Ivar over the phone as he drives to Oregon

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"I've found a scent," Bjorn tells Ivar over the phone as he drives to Oregon.

"What'd you find?" Ivar asks, getting into his wheelchair. He decided to take a break from his crutches, and use modern day technology.

"Finn," Bjorn says causing Ivar to groan, nodding at Imani who enters his room angrily, "I heard him talking with some people, they mentioned Imani and killing her, so I'm following them back, looks like I'll be in Portland before the day ends."

"Tell him to stay out of their way, the more power directed at me, the better," Imani tells Ivar.

"Imani says-"

"I heard," Bjorn cuts him off sighing, looking in the back seat at a sleeping Bonnie Bennett, "what do I do to the cute witch?"

"Cute?" Imani growls, ripping the phone out of Ivars hand. "She's helping them kill me-"

"We don't know for sure," Bjorn says, cutting Imani off. He hopes Bonnie isn't.

"He's right," Ivar tells her.

Imani sighed, handing Ivar his phone back, "Fine," she says.

Bonnie starts to stir, slowly blinking her dry eyes, gasping when she sees the moving trees, "Look, let me try this my way, okay? Then we can do it yours," Bjorn says, making eye contact with a now frightened Bonnie Bennett in his rear view mirror. 

Ivar looks over at a pacing Imani, "I'd hurry, she's angry." With that they hung up.

"Where am I?" Bonnie shouts, kicking the back of the seats. Bjorn sighs, looking ahead as he wonders how he's going to get her on their side.

"Calm down," Ivar says, grabbing Imanis hand.

"Why is it that every time I try to have a family, they either leave me or don't want me?" Imani chokes out, sliding her arms around Ivars neck and sitting down on his lap, her legs thrown over the arm handles of his wheelchair.

"We don't know for sure if she's helping them," Ivar says, hands scrunching her hair that's in its natural form, a beautiful Afro that he loves on her. "We have to trust Bjorn to find out, okay?"

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