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"You know," Imani whispered to Ivar as they danced, "I don't care if you can stand or not

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"You know," Imani whispered to Ivar as they danced, "I don't care if you can stand or not."

"Well I like standing," he twirls her, watching her dress flare out, ignoring the onlookers who ogle at them, "I like dancing. Can't really do that while on crutches, or in a chair can you?"

"I've heard in modern times, the children have somehow found a way."

"Besides," ivar places his hand dangerously low on her back, "I've spent thousands of years unable to stand, made fun of for it, it's nice to prove them wrong." He shrugs nonchalantly.

"You cannot go," Bjorn says to his younger brother, watching as he struggles to get onto the ship with his newfound legs and crutches, "the sea is as unforgiving as your Mother would be if you were to not come back."

Finally getting his upper body onto the deck, Ivar sighs, squinting in the sunlight at his brother, "Mother would be upset at anyone for allowing me to do anything, better I go and die, then stay," Ivar starts to drag his body up into his legs.

"You cannot walk," Bjorn points out, glaring at a few of the men around them when they quietly chuckle at his brother, "are you laughing at my brother?" The men go quiet, shaking their heads as they start to stumble over their words, pointing at one another.

"Brother, I can walk," Ivar said, allowing the men to walk away onto another part of the boat when Ivar takes Bjorns attention, "I just walk different."

"Or slow," Bjorn mutters, watching his brother walk side to side ordering their men and slaves to his pleasure, big smile on his face.

Imanis smile suddenly turns serious, "You have nothing to prove. If one does not accept you for who you are and whatever your limits may be, then they do not deserve you."

It's been a few weeks since they have embarked on their travels across the large sea to a raid. The brothers have since decided that each other was simply too annoying, leading to arguments with Ivar and Ubbe. Ivar would threaten his life, Ubbe would mock him and his legs, Bjorn and Hvitserk would then separate the two, glaring at one another as if to say that it's their fault the two are fighting each other.

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