Viridian Jewels & The Queen of Beauty

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"I... had no idea, that you were so.."

"Perfect!?" Zinneera interjected, grinning gleefully at Jinto.

"I guess I was right to choose the the viridian jewels over the cerulean pearls..." Jinto professed with a cheeky wink.

"Ahhh, finally decided to confesss your love for me aye? I knew you would come running into my armsss eventually..." she teased.

"Is that some kind of self soothing lullaby you sing yourself at night?" Melanina's champion jested back.

"(Huff) Ssso, those are the last words you've chosssen before I bury you alive." Zinneera hissed, playfully punching Jinto's arm.

"Hahahaha, well, if your face is the last sight to grace my eyes, then being buried here isn't so bad" Jinto flirted, stroking her cheek delicately.

"Since when wasss he so.... Romantic!?" the viridian vixen thought to herself.

"You see, you're not the only dangerous one!" the Melanin man chuckled, relishing the surprised look on her face. Her lips were stilled waters, no ripple of words could break through them, her heart was racing and her hands, clasped together at the chest.

"I-I sssuppose... You've captured me completely, thisss time.. anyways..." she uttered quietly.

"Hmph, Zinny, why did you reveal your true self to me? And why did you stay green once you gained the control over your Qudra needed to reverse it?" Jinto inquired.

"Well, if the world hated me before, all because of my green skin, why should I ever bless their eyesss with my true beauty? Your pure, nonjudgmental heart was deserving to see me in all my irresistible glory, hahaha. Besidesss, it's no sssecret that I have a soft spot for you." bespoke the green gal.

"Your true beauty? I personally believe that the rarer and more exotic something is, the more valuable and desired it becomes. If we all wore crowns then who really, is the royal one? A magical waterfall, a majestic mountain, a blue winged butterfly or even a fleeting flower that blooms with ephemeral elegance. If things such as these were as common as blades of grass, they would lose all their value. So the fact that I and I alone have the viridian queen of beauty by my side, must surely make me among God's favourites. Green skin or amber, it doesn't matter to me, I'll choose the viridian jewels every time." the tamer of flames declared, with the reverberations of his deep rumbling voice, almost causing Zinneera's chest to vibrate.

'Whoosh!' A gentle gust of wind stroked Zinneera's hair. Her glimmering pupils dilated and her galloping heart soared at her lover's words. "Ok, ok I get it, you're in love with me. Why don't you tell me sssomething I don't know?" the blushing beauty said with a sarcastic sigh, trying to play off her shyness.

"Tell you something you don't know? Ha! Ok, when you get all shy, you have a cute pout!" the melanin man revealed, cheekily beaming from ear to ear.

In that moment, footsteps could be heard stampeding down a flight of stairs, whilst Zinneera tutted. "I'M READY!!!" Iliyana boomed brightly, as she swung her front door open. Immediately, the two turned around to look at her.

"Wooow! You look beautiful Iliyana!" Jinto said in a caring manner. Her curly, wavy hair was done up in two buns, glistening like glitter. She had adorned herself with a lavish, lili coloured dress; more yellow than the sun.

"Thank you, thank you! But not as beautiful as you two! I could hear you from my room. What a beautiful couple! Way better than that fake girl who left us, huh big bro?" Iliyana exclaimed, giggling innocently.

"So you heard all that huh... hehehe." Jinto laughed nervously, whilst scratching the back of his head. "WAIT A MINUTE!? A COUPLE!?" he yelled, just now realising what she had said.

"Mhmhmhmhhhh, oh darling, there'sss no need to hide it anymore. In fact, I would sssay we're more than just a.... Couple." the siren of seduction sensually suggested, as her arms wrapped around him possessively like boa constrictors.

Jinto hung his head down in defeat, seeing no way out of the situation, whilst Iliyana and Zinneera laughed heartily.

"You're funny, and pretty! Hahaha." Iliyana complimented.

"Oh my, what a wonderful gem of a girl you are! And I just LOVE your hair, don't even get me started on your dress. I heard about that princess who left our beloved Jinto... but if you ask me, I'd sssay you're the real princess." Zinneera complimented.

"REALLY!?" Iliyana erupted with stars in her eyes.

"Yesss sweetie, you're beyond that even. You're a queen." Zinneera declared.

"A QUEEN!" Iliyana bellowed, giddily jumping up and down excitedly, as if she was a can of soda being shaken.

"That'sss right, I Zinneera, dub you the queen of beauty itself!" she said.

"WOOOOW! Did you hear that big bro!!? This new wife of yours is SO much better! Please marry her!" the personification of innocence declared.

"WIFE!?... MARRIED!? What is happening today!?" the cornered Jinto shrieked.

"Ahahahahaha, all your dreamsss are coming true my love, that'sss all." the viridian vixen uttered.

"More like YOUR dreams." Melanina's champion retorted.

"I love it when you get all... flustered... lover." Zinneera teased, before blowing him a kiss.

"My goodness, if Jaleel saw this happening I'd be finished..." Jinto thought to himself.

"Bwahahahah! You two are so funny! You're PERFECT for each other! And, I really REALLY like your name and your clothes AND the way you ssspeak! Could you do my hair jussst like yoursss too hahaha." Iliyana sniggered, imitating the way her new idol speaks.

"Where have you been all my life!? You're sssuch a delight! I'd LOVE to style your hair like mine, I think I'll do yoursss too Jinto, you'll look real good with something similar to the mountain cutter's platsss" Zinneera bespoke.

Jinto merely sighed as they went inside Iliyana's house to get their hair done.

"Just look at you! You look even better than the mountain cutter!" the siren of seduction swooned.

"Is that right!?" Jinto said proudly. He puffed out his chest whilst admiring himself in the mirror. His hair was now tied back, being wavy at the front and having plats streaming down at the back, tied into a ponytail. "You look mesmerising Iliyana! I'll have to keep you hidden at the ice-cream shop haha." Jinto jested, as she hugged his leg. "Alright, it's ice cream time!" he yelled, as they set off at last.

Unbeknownst to them, a sinister silhouette stalked them from afar...

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