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Juri looked up at Jinto's back, the way he stood there so proudly, fearlessly and ready for action. She'd never seen the angry violent side to him, or experienced this intimidating heat from him that felt as though it could melt rocks. This side to him, it was scary for her but also... intriguing.

"Jinto... just who and what are you?" The enamoured princess thought to herself as she became ever more interested in who he was as a person. What he thinks on the deepest level, what he feels, his memories and more. She gazed upon him as her heart became obsessed with the duality between the nice, caring loving guy she'd gotten to know, and this violent intimidating raging beast that stood before her. Which one was really him? What is he at his core? Juri couldn't stop thinking about these things.

"Juri... take Iliyana and leave." Jinto said in a calm confident tone. "No! We're in this together it's four, no five on one how can I leave you!?" Juri argued. A smirk crept upon Jinto's face, "you're right, these odds aren't fair for them." The confident warrior replied. "FOR THEM!?" She exclaimed! "Trust him, big sis..." Iliyana said while placing her hand on Juri's cheek. Juri nodded at her and picked up Iliyana and they moved a distance away but still close enough to see what's happening.

Jinto's flames begin to burn a brilliant bright red, it felt as though the sun itself had descended upon them all. The smirk from the flame furnished fighter's face had vanished... they had hunted Iliyana and and Juri down, now he was going to hunt them! He was going to show them who the REAL apex predator was!

The rock user, clad in his rocky armour walked forwards smugly towards Jinto, "Heh you think your little candle flames can.." (KABOOM!) In an instant the rock users armour was easily destroyed! As Jinto sent his burning fist right through the man's chest armour. "KAH!" He exclaimed as blood shot from his mouth and he went flying into a tree from the tremendous blow!

For a moment time stood still and everything and everyone stood still in astonishment! Even nature itself seemed to be in shock as the trees stopped swaying and the wind ceased to blow. "Don't let a lucky hit demoralise you men! Get him!" Their leader screamed. The rock user began to regain himself although his armour was crumbling! Nevertheless he wasn't finished yet and four of the men surrounded the young man of the hour.

"NOWWWW!!!" Screamed their leader and all four men jumped Jinto at once! But Jinto was different... he easily took on all four of them, going blow for blow, countering, blocking and punishing their every move. (Pa pa pa Pow pa POW!) with every exchange it was as though someone was striking a drum with the crushing blows Jinto was dishing out.

His face was completely calm, masked under his anger was perfectionism, as though he was testing himself by taking them all on and he wanted to do it flawlessly. With swift punches and kicks Jinto sent all of them flying! "What... is he?" The leader uttered to himself. And the two girls merely gazed in astonishment and wonder.

"It's not over yet you arrogant prick!" The vine user shouted as he shot his spiky vines towards Jinto! In unison the steam user shot a pressurised jet of scolding steam at Jinto, however Jinto dashed towards the vines, grabbed them and swung the man into the jet of scolding steam! "Damn it!" The steam user shouted as he stopped his attack albeit to late as his comrade had already been burned.

But the relentless young man didn't give them time to think! He grabbed the vines once more and pulled the man towards him then punched him head first into the ground! "Heh, pesky weeds..." Jinto said as Juri cracked a small smile and rolled her eyes over his cheesy line.

(KAPOW!) Jinto suddenly shot the steam user with a ferocious fireball! The singed man dropped to his knees, then fell face first to the floor. "I can't wait to see that smug look drop from your face after this! HAAA!" The sand user shouted as he created swirling sand storm around Jinto. However he didn't flinch and remained stationary, the sand storm began to form a tornado that was getting smaller and smaller to constrict Jinto and cut off his breathing. "Tch.." Jinto realised the sand was razor sharp! It was beginning to cut up his body and the sand tornado began to be dyed red with his blood. "JINTOOO!!!" The girls screamed thinking this was the end of their saviour.

Jinto still didn't flinch, but merely held his breath. The sand user relented his attack and the rock user ran over to where Jinto was and struck him with his rock clad fist! (BAM!) The sound of the punch reverberated throughout the forest Jinto keeled backwards slightly and was cut up and his legs were shaking. "JINTOOOO!" Juri screamed! "B-big brother..." Iliyana uttered but her belief in him was firm she didn't believe what she was seeing, she still had faith!

The men began to cheer and jeer "Not so tough now huh?" "You arrogant punk thinking you can take us all on!" "That's what you get for playing hero." They all were putting their two scents in. Suddenly Jinto began to laugh and he swiftly grabbed onto the rock users arms and in an instant Jinto exploded! "WHAAAAAAT!!! ARGHHHHH!!" The rock user screamed as he was overtaken by the blast of the explosion! As the smoke and dust cleared the rock user lay motionless on the floor, his rock armour completely melted off...

But there was still no sign of the young hero! "Tch dammit where is he!? Did he self destruct!?" The sand user exclaimed. And their leader just stood there, trying to hide the growing fear creeping into his heart. He was used to being feared, used to having the upper hand and now for the first time he thought... "Is this what my victims felt?" Then he shook the thought from his head and shouted "Might makes right!"

And ordered the sand user to go check out the explosion site where there was also some flames still burning where Jinto was standing before exploding. The sand user ran over to the flames and suddenly they went out. Visibly puzzled he looked down to see a strange deep dark hole. But he couldn't see what was at the bottom. "Well!?" The leader said in an agitated manner. The sand user leant closer to the hole and peered deeper.

He could faintly see something at the bottom, something flickering. This flickering light lit up the face beneath which was grinning at him. "JINTO!" He screamed as Jinto reached up and dragged him into the hole violently! All that could be heard was screaming as a pillar of fire burst forth from the hole. Only one of them emerged from the hole...Jinto, bearing a malicious, twisted grin upon his face, as his insatiable crimson flames beckoned its final victim...

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