Final Moonlight

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Juri raced around, fetching firewood and building a makeshift shelter out of branches, leaves and any other materials she could find. With every step she took, she felt different, she could feel it. She could feel the power in her step, the speed in her stride, even her perception had grown sharper. "Is this.... My Qudra?" she said to herself as she felt brand new. "Is this, what he feels? Is this what the melanin people experience? Who knew having a Qudra felt so amazing!" she continued in delight.

For the first time, in a long time, Juri felt bliss in her very existence. After finishing building the shelter over Jinto and Iliyana she took a deep breath and exhaled as she reclined back, gazing at the stars. "I can see why Jinto loves night walks, it's so peaceful... and this world is full of so much mystery. I wonder, is the One true god he spoke of beyond the sky? Was it He who blessed me with this Qudra just in time to save me?" she said, talking to herself.

All the while, taking in the scenic sight of the stars, it was as though they had all gathered to witness the momentous occasion of the birth of her Qudra. And the full moon gazed down upon her, it's luminous glow like a sign of approval.
It was on a full moon she had met Jinto and yet again, a full moon upon which she unlocked her Qudra. Juri's eyes gradually because heavy as sleep itself, wrapped it's arms around her, pulling her into the land of nod. "Sometimes... I really wish, I could live on the moon." Juri uttered wearily as finally sleep overtook her.

"Juri...... Juriii.... Can you hear me my darling angel?" a familiar voice echoed as Juri's dreams had been invaded once more. "Bulqise..." Juri replied. Suddenly she found herself in a vast white space with nothing in it. "Sweetheart, call me mother as you always have." Bulqise answered. "Why have you come to me again?" the untrusting daughter responded. "Oh my sweetness, I've simply come to congratulate you on unlocking your Qudra! Do you know how rare it is for us Casians to unlock one!? However, I would expect nothing less from one of noble blood. Such greatness is your birthright Juri! Bulqise said.

"Is that... really all you came for... mother?" the princess said, cautious of her mother's tricks. "Oh petal? Do you really distrust me so? Your mother, who even in death came to congratulate you? Has he bewitched you that much?" Bulqise said. "HE, has not bewitched anyone, if anyone's the witch it's you! I haven't forgotten the things you said and they didn't add up with what Frude said! Casia had been to Melanina before!" Juri said angrily.

The atmosphere grew dark and heavy, and Bulqise's emotions manifested in a stormy black sky replacing the white space they were in. "JURI!" Bulqise's voice thundered as a crack of lightening went off behind them! But Juri's expression remained firm, her heart was stronger now, no longer fearing her mother. She had adopted Jinto's fierce spirit and made it her own. "Juri... you've never looked at me, your dear mother like that before." the supernatural queen of Casia said. However, her rebellious daughter remained silent, her glare at her mother unyielding.

"No matter what, I have always loved you..." Bulqise said, pulling Juri in for a hug. "I'm... sorry, for everything Juri.." she continued as she wrapped her arms around her one and only daughter. "M, mother...?" the princess said quietly as her heart became rinsed in confusion. She didn't know how to feel. For once she felt seen and acknowledged by her mother, yet she knew how manipulative she could be. Was this for real? Is this ok? Has my mother changed? These were the muddled thoughts colonising her mind. Bulqise had managed to quell that distrusting, rebellious fire that previously illuminated Juri's soul.

"Do not fret, my precious one... I know things seem strange right now. I know you don't trust me. But one thing you can always trust is that I love you deeply." Bulqise said softly as she stroked Juri's hair. "I...I.." "Shh, it's ok my sweetness" the enigmatic queen said, squeezing her daughter comfortingly. Juri didn't know what to do, what to think. Her mother's face was as illegible as her intentions. She'd never truly known what her mother was thinking or feeling. However, in that moment all she did know, was the hypnotic, blissful comfort of her mother's love. Having her mother's arms wrapped around her made her feel like a baby in a cradle.

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