The Jewel Of Tahseen

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"STOP!" A familiar voice cried out as little footsteps could be heard running towards them. "Iliyana!? What're you doing here?" Jinto said, as his intimidating aura suddenly vanished at the sight of his self appointed little sister. She ran up to him, clinging to his leg tightly, looking up to him as he ruffles her hair then she looks towards her big sister.....

("Whisperings") "Told you.... Se..... they.....vils.... Devils." "No stop leave me alone!" Juri pleads as she clutches her head wincing. "They are devils my daughter, pure devils! Can you not see how they antagonise you? Hate you? For what? Because you're Casian. Had they been aware of the firepower they possess indeed they would have stretched out their hand against us in aggression! Verily it is their Elders' cowardice that has left our noble kingdom in peace." Echoes a voice in Juri's head. "Hey what's wrong!?" Jinto shouts but she doesn't respond. "Now do you see oh foolish son of mine, Casians are a people possessed by the devil, evil flows through their veins like blood!" Frude shouts! "Our gods have cursed her!" Evera announces as she stands up. In unison, the other thirteen elders stand up and start chanting and praying loudly in an attempt to circumvent the so called 'devil' and 'evil' in their presence.

Their chants are loud and they begin clapping,  whistling and circling the massive winged idol behind their thrones. This effort however is for naught as the voices in Juri's head remain. However... Juri turns her gaze towards Jinto whom appears to be in discomfort, an expression not too dissimilar to pain appears on his face. "Isn't this chant meant to harm... devils?" Juri thought as she observed him even more intensely. Instantly the voice capitalised on this! "You see, you see! What more proof do you need? Their very own silly chants has affected none except HIM! The world destroyer, the devil, Jinto!" Bulqise said. "But mother... he's." "He's dangerous." Bulqise interrupts. She continues on saying "And unlike his father he possesses not an ounce of cowardice, and he is powerful!"

"And he's used those attributes for good." Juri said quietly. "Darling, do you think he is the only one? Do you think there aren't others as dangerous, as fearless as him? What happens when they decide to band together and attack our people." The Casian queen says. "He wouldn't let that happen, they don't even know where the Casian kingdom is." Juri argues back. "Yes for now they don't." Bulqise replies.

The internal struggle rages on inside her, but she looks up at Jinto and Iliyana, seeing the light in their faces, remembering the good times. "I don't believe a single word you say, you even lied about not having been to Melanina! To hell with your visions, get out of my head!" Juri shouts loudly,  shaking her head! This sudden outburst causes the Elders to stop their chanting. A deathly silence fills the room. Frude, then slowly walks up to the big winged idol, gently rubbing it saying  "Oh Al Batil, your power is weakened without it." Jinto stares intently wondering what he meant by that.

"Boy, why did you aid this Casian girl?" Frude asks his son. "She needed help." He swiftly replies back. "She's a Casian!" The father counters. "She's a human!" The son argues. Frude pauses, thinking, then a strange uncharacteristic smile rears itself upon his old face. "Ok son, listen closely Al Batil our chief god, his power is weakening, his connection to this realm isn't as strong anymore." "What kind of god weakens? How can you believe in this stuff, our very people carved out these idols?" Jinto interrupts "QUIET!" Evera shouts while the other Elders glare at him for speaking ill of their gods. "Perhaps it is your disbelief that has led you to have a wretched fate intertwined with this Casian.." Frude says sorrowfully.

"And perhaps it is your delusion that has led you to worship lifeless stone statues and fear people like you fear Casians!" The fiery son roared! Juri was in shock to see how unwavering he was, his principles and beliefs rooted firm in the ground while his sights peer high into the sky. Even against family he wouldn't cave, she took inspiration from this and doubled down on rejecting her mother's whisperings.

Everyone else in the room scowled at Jinto, if looks could kill then he would've died many times over. Except a few, Kaleel suspiciously looked as if he was calculating something.... While Iliyana hid her face in her big brother's trousers and Juri was again in awe of him.

"I shall forgive this horrendous transgression, only because I need you to do something and in return I shall grant your beloved Casian asylum here." His father said. "Oh really now? So you need this 'foolish' son's help? What is it then...?" Jinto said irritatedly. "Hmph, as I said before Al Batil's power is weakening I am sure that is why our prayer didn't work against that Casians little episode. We need to bring him to this realm, so he can rule over us fully and his power and influence will benefit us all. In return he will grant us eternal life and admit us into his heaven." Frude explained. "I see..." Jinto said, uninterested. His uninterested expression was angering Frude however he stayed calm and continued.

"Yes, so in order to achieve such a magnominal task we need.. THE JEWEL OF TAHSEEN!" He bellowed while raising his hands into the air! "Yes the Jewel of Tahseen! Rumoured to have been bestowed upon humanity by the gods as a gift and blessing to aid us in our many trials in life! This jewel, has the power to grant the user one thing he wishes in exchange for a human life." Frude said. "A human life!?" Jinto exclaimed! "Yes son, a worthy sacrifice for our mission." His father replied. "Worthy!? So who's life will it be?" The son questioned. A subtle smirk appeared on Frude's face like cracked paint as his eyes momentarily fell upon Juri then back to Jinto "Oh, we Elders will ask Al Batil for guidance regarding that matter son." Frude said. "I don't like the way he stared at her..." Jinto thought to himself.

Frude continued, "It is a green jewel about the size of my hand. It is said to be in a city far north of here called Abyad. It is a very dangerous journey and the city itself is also fraught with many difficulties. But I trust you will be able to survive it..." Frude says in a weird tone.

"Very well! We accept this bizarre request of yours." Jinto said. "Then make haste before I change my mind about your friend!" Frude said shooing them away with his hand. Jinto hesitated, then began to walk, Juri and Iliyana followed close behind. He pulled Juri close to him as they walked saying "I've got a lot of questions for you." She replied in likeness "And I you."

As they were leaving he could hear the Elders conspiring. "How could you send your son on such a dangerous mission with just that one Casian?" One Elder questioned. "Fear not, he is mostly a disappointment but he doesn't lack in the strength department. Either he returns with the Jewel of Tahseen. Or he and that cursed Casian perish trying. Losing him would be somewhat of a loss but... we have Kaleel! He will inherit my position one day, perhaps I'll even have another son to replace Jinto. There is only goodness in this plan trust me my fellow Elders." Frude whispered.

Jinto stopped suddenly... slightly turning his head back at them, then continued on. "By the way Juri, my father plans to sacrifice you for the Jewel of Tahseen..."

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