Brotherly Bonds Forged Through Pain

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'KABOOM!' A huge explosion devoured the front of the house, however Juri unleashed her Qudra in the nick of time, forming a protective shield of golden light around herself and Jinto. In the midst of the golden light that shone so brilliantly and bright, time stood still and the two lover's eyes met. Their mouths failed to convey how they truly felt, their ears deaf to the cries of their hearts. But indeed, the eyes are the window to the soul... The eyes speak silent words of purity, incapable of lying, yet heard only by few.

As the two, who's fates were entwined gazed into each other's eyes, no, into their very souls... it was as if they spoke a thousand words. In that moment, surrounded by explosions and destruction, hope for the two sprouted like the shoot of a tree growing in a land that was once dead. At last, would they finally understand each other..?

(Back at the Melanina Castle)

Jaleel and Frederick strolled slowly through the courtyard of the castle. The courtyard was indeed vast, as if it were an ocean of green grass, with gusts of wind creating a sort of tide within the rustling blades of grass, reminiscent of oceanic waves. Willow trees drooped and swayed as if posing like a supermodel, while cherry blossom petals fell, elegantly pirouetting in the air until they hit the ground. The scent of the greenery was heavenly and the scenic view of it all could only be topped by heaven itself.

"Frederick..." Jaleel spoke, in a deep yet mysterious tone. He was one whom was always unreadable, even with the most forward of statements. "Y-yes?" Frederick replied nervously. Then there was a lull of silence as the two suddenly stopped walking, with Jaleel positioned slightly ahead of his comrade. The weight of the silence was crushingly unbearable for the esteemed soldier of Melanina. "Um, what is it Ja.." "I'm going to need you to go easy on my little brother from now on." Jaleel abruptly interrupted. "But, but he caused me to lose my.." I don't care..." Jaleel interrupted again.

"His life has been WAY harder than yours, you wouldn't understand the plight of us JB's." he added (JB's is how Jaleel and Jinto used to refer to themselves as they share the same initials).

"Are you referring to that time?" Fredrick responded. "I meant our lives as a whole but yes, that time was especially traumatic for him, just being a mere six year old child. It's a miracle my little brother survived so long alone, against the enemy." Jaleel said in an unusual open display of care and sympathy towards his little brother. "It's true... even I have to commend him. It's a miracle the whole ordeal didn't brake the child mentally let alone physically." Frederick added.
"Hmph, broken huh. Fate had already found a way to brake us long before the attack of that tragic night!" Jaleel forcefully uttered, as red sparks began shooting from his clenched fists.

"Jaleel? What is it that you speak of?" Fredrick asked, concerned. "Nothing, but indeed that night was something no child should ever live through." Jaleel said, changing the subject. "You was but a young boy yourself, being either eleven or twelve years of age. Even then, your strength was mighty! You really are the pride and joy of Frude.". Suddenly the wind began to howl violently! As if the winds themselves were trying to silence Frederick as he did not realise how triggering his words were, even though Jaleel held it inside. Although, once again, had Frederick been facing Jaleel, he would've seen the utter disdain in his eyes at being called Frude's pride and joy.

Jaleel was a stoic statue, unaffected by the fierce winds, welcoming it even. "We refer to it as that night, but in reality that siege lasted seven whole days... I can still hear them. The screams of those humiliated and slain, the arrogant boasting of our subjugators, the crackling blaze that engulfed our land and their accursed horned helmets... I can almost see it before my very eyes as we speak." Jaleel lamented "Certainly, they were a bleak seven days where we battled the white devil." Frederick added.

"They called us animalistic, they called us monkeys! Yet they ate the children of our land, thinking there to be some sort of magical cure in our Melanin flesh! They broke the strongest and proudest of us in a manner unspeakable! Buck breaking is what they called it! Raping and mutilating our men in the hopes of destroying our morale and pride!" Jaleel erupted with fury! Dark heavy thunder clouds, laden with fury began to gather and rumble as sparks of red lightning began coursing through his body. "Yes! They didn't stop at our women, their deeds cannot be sufficiently punished even if we killed them a thousand times over!" Frederick shouted.

"They wished to enslave us, colonise us! They called themselves the Vikes... claiming to be even more superior than the Casians, though they are essentially one and the same." Jaleel said through the grit of his teeth. "It was then, that you earned such a high position with the elders. Your bravery alone saved us. Had you not captured their king and held him hostage, they wouldn't have relented." Fredrick said.

"Hahahahaha..... HAHAHAHAHAHA! I remember it well. They thought we would surrender the king over, if they agreed to drop their weapons and leave our land. Unfortunately for them, the only rules I play by are the rules of survival!" Jaleel said as he made a fist, grinning with gleeful vengeance! "Hahaha Ah yes, you had organised hidden units to ambush them once they tried to surrender in return for their king." Fredrick replied, sharing the same gleeful grin of vengeance. "I can still see the looks on their faces as they thought I'd return the king, then BAM! I killed that piece of trash right in front of them!" Jaleel boasted. "Then your ambush units mauled the rest of them while they were unarmed! Hahahaha!" Fredrick added.

"They got exactly what they deserved! Let's not forget what you and your unit did! The way you laid waste to the Vikes, I would've thought YOU were the one trying to take their land!" Jaleel exclaimed, hyping up his companion. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Ah yes! A shame the young ones won't remember it." Frederick replied. "All thanks to Frude... he thought it would be best if the younger ones didn't remember what happened so he performed a strange ritual to wipe their minds of the event. Sparing my own mind and telling the older ones of us to never mention the event and act like it never happened. That's why they acted so shocked to see Juri I guess. But I'm sure Jinto was curious as to why I didn't react to seeing her?" Jaleel spoke.

"Well, I'm sure if something were to trigger him, he would definitely remember those events. That man is not normal... I heard about what he did even as a six year old, through sheer rage alone. His emotions make him exceedingly powerful! I dare to theorise were he to be wound up enough he would be temporarily unstoppable. It's a shame those very emotions also blind him, drowning him until there's no return." Fredrick said.

"That may be true, but he also only sees things in black and white. Meaning either you're his enemy or friend. As long as you don't wrong him, he won't turn on you even with all that blinding emotion you spoke of." Jaleel replied as he walked towards Frederick, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Our land needs a new leader. Frude's rule will see more unrest, division, lopsided allocation of wealth and his despicable habit of using child soldiers... Where would he be I wonder, had Jinto and I not been forced to fight so many civil wars against our will!? No, Frude's time is over! My brother will return. And with him by my side, as well as you Fredrick, we will rule Melanina!" Jaleel bellowed as Fredrick grinned ear to ear.

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