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Juri shielded herself from the debris of the destroyed door, while Jinto remained planted in his place, his heat turning any door debris too ash! The smoke cleared, revealing several big, powerful aggressive looking Melanin men, clad in noble white and gold armour and clothes and a single black star with a gold outline on their backs and right arms.

Kaleel was also present but he wasn't wearing the armour and was high up in one of the trees while the men had surrounded the entrance to the building. However... this act of aggression and intimidation only angered Jinto. "Do they really think I'll submit to them just because they outnumber me!?" He thought as his flames ignited brightly, as if they were spurring him on! He was never one to let himself be intimidated, especially not after the kind of childhood he'd experienced. He'd rather die!

"Jinto! The flaming failure of such a noble tribe. Why can't you be more like Kaleel. You've brought shame upon your clan, no.. shame upon us all. How dare you harbour this Casian here without letting the elders know!" Said the man leading the raid on Juri's place. His name is Frederick, a high ranking commander of the Melanina army.

"Well if it isn't the over nationalistic, tin can of the Melanina army Frederick? What? Did you finish licking the boots of the elders and decided to come here and lick mine too hmm?" Jinto said mockingly. A small smirk appeared on Kaleel's face as if he was somewhat proud of his little brother's confidence. "Tin can!? This coming from a glorified matchstick, maybe you'll make a good nightlight once I'm done crushing you with my Qudra!" Frederick countered back.

"Mhmm, then come and try it, your useless Qudra makes you a little metallic... how scary. I'll deliver you to the scrap heap personally if you like? Maybe you'll be recycled into something useful and not an utter waste of space." Jinto fired back with a nonchalant smile. Despite the tense situation Juri was struggling to hold in her laugh at what he had just said!

Frederick's face cracked with anger as a murderous scowl showed itself. "Ho hooo? Well boy, enjoy your last breaths here on this world!" He said as he began approaching Jinto, every step he took became heavier until it shook the ground and caused cracks. His skin started to shine and harden as a metallic alloy covered his skin and became sharp and sported spikes.

Frederick's men followed suit and began to advance forwards all readying their Qudra! Jinto did not flinch as his flames turned dark red and even Juri stood ready at his side! Kaleel whom was sitting on a high branch, stood up ready to intervene if they got too rough with his little brother.

"Wait a minute! How do you know what a Casian is? I thought no one from here had seen them!?" Jinto questioned, but his attackers ignored him and charged forth! Before the two sides clashed with each other a powerful red thunderbolt instantaneously struck the ground, separating them! The air smelt scorched and the ground sizzled and smoked from the impact. As the smoke cleared there he stood, Kaleel! Red lightning coursing through his body and an intimidating rumbling thunder from the clouds, as if the sky was roaring!

"They're... the same, no he's a little more scary." Juri thought as she compared Jinto and Kaleel. "What was you about to do.. Frederick?" Asked the lightning doused man in a calm yet threatening tone. "I uh.. I um I uhhh I..." the commander stammered over his words in fear. Juri stared at Kaleel "His face, it hides something I'd never like to meet, I can see it in his eyes. Maybe what Bulqise had shown me was about him instead?" She thought to herself as he caught her staring and she instantly lowered her gaze to the ground!

"You just had to come show off didn't you?" Jinto said smiling. "These guys are mine I don't need 'big bro' for help!" He continued as he put his fist in his hand. "Hmph." Kaleel replied "HMPH!" Jinto mockingly mimicked. A small smirk appeared on the older brother's face. "You need to come with us, the Elders have summoned you and your friend." He said as he put his hands in his pockets and started walking to the meeting hall of the Elders. "Whatever.." Jinto said as he followed and signalled for Juri to follow. "I can't even tell, do they like each other or not?" She thought after seeing Jinto interact with Kaleel for a second time. Frederick and his men walked at a distance behind them.

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