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"What do you mean he plans to sacrifice me for that Jewel!?" Juri asked. "That inconspicuous smile, the way his eyes fell upon you... he definitely plans on using you." he replied. Juri sighed "No matter where I am, all people wanna do is take advantage of me and use me. Am I not a human being? Not a piece of property to be taken nor an animal to be tracked down..." she said as her face was rendered with frustration and covered in pain. Those bitter experiences, those rotten memories of the times she was wondering aimlessly, constantly a target, constantly being chased had manifested on her mind once more.

He didn't say anything, slowly turning his head he peered into her eyes. His expression speaking a thousand words, no utterances from him were needed. Juri continued on "Is my skin colour and heritage all that I am!?" She woefully uttered as hot tears sailed down her face. But they were not tears of sorrow, no, for that ship had sailed and anger had taken its place. Her fists clenched "How would they like it!? Spend your life being hunted, treated like an animal sought after by poachers. Being seen for nothing more than colour! How about if I did it to them huh!?" she shouted!

Immediately! She remembered the words of her mother, the actions of her father. "Is... is this why they do what they do? Can only one race truly be? Must they rule over the rest for peace? Is such a thing... no there's no way it's right..." Juri thought to herself.

"We're here!" Jinto suddenly said with a big smile as they arrived back at their place. Iliyana was silent, standing behind the two as they packed things for the mission. "O-oh... aha yes we are." Juri said. He firmly placed his strong hands upon her shoulders "Look at me, I don't know what's going on, I don't know what's wrong with you.. but Iliyana and I will never leave your side! We aren't like the Elders and not everyone in Melanina is as blinded and ignorant as they are." he reassuringly conveyed as her tense shoulders relaxed under his warm hands.

"However, if we're gonna stand by you, then it's about time you stop keeping so many secrets. I don't need eyes to see that you're hiding something, I don't need ears to hear the hesitation in your reserved speech." Jinto pressed on. She swiftly turned away from him and walked over to the bed, sitting down, staring at the floor nervously with her arms tightly crossed.

"Fine..." she said looking back at him "Good, now tell me everything! What was that all about at the castle? I heard everything you said even though you spoke quietly. And let's not forget that strange dream you had which led you to attack me in the dead of the night! All those things you were saying, it was like someone was in your head? Who is it!? And it sounds like you were talking about me?" Jinto fiercely questioned.

"Ok ok one thing at a time... my... my mother spoke to me somehow." she said. "WHAT!? I thought she was dead!?" Jinto exclaimed! "Well physically she is but it turns out she had a secret Qudra, she is dead but her soul remains in the land of dreams due to her Qudra. Somehow she's been contacting me in my dreams and now she has even infiltrated my conscious thoughts." she explained. "Incredible! There are others with Qudra like ours!?" Jinto said in an astonished manner.

"Yes supposedly so. Anyways she's been showing me visions in my dreams. She claims they're visions of the future but I don't know how true that is. Actually I uhhh, I have seen your face before." "HOW!?" Jinto shouted! "She... Bulqise my mother showed it to me. It was when I was on the run for all that time. I'd here a faint voice in my dreams but it was so subtle I never paid much attention to it. And I never realised it was this very voice which was showing me dreams, no more like obscure visions. But some were clear. I saw your face. There you stood, alone, mysteriously in the tall grass exactly in the place where we first met!" she said.

"No wonder you appeared to be looking for something when I first saw you. This is getting intense, how is that possible, why did you run then?" he asked. "It freaked me out seeing it come true, I also didn't know if you were dangerous so I ran. And there's more, I think I was subconsciously led to Melanina! I swear it there was always some strange whispering in my dreams and sometimes while I was awake. They told me the way, bit by bit, I wasn't consciously aware of it but I knew where I was going. And it's like the stronger her connection to me becomes the more aware I am of her influence both in the past and presently." she said.

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