Juri VS Jinto!?

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The Casian princess woke up and slowly began to open her eyes, she was back in her room with Jinto. However.. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Juri let out a shrieking high pitched scream that cracked some of the windows! There he was, her so called Jinto, his once glowing face now doused in ominous light. As the very same evil grin Juri saw him have in her dream had come back to haunt her! The moonlight cast decadent shadows on his face almost making it look contorted and twisted. This look had appeared while he was asleep but Juri's high pitched screams had woken him. "Juri!? What's wrong are we under attack!?" He said flustered.

However in a frightened frenzy, she attacked him! She charged at him throwing a flurry of punches and kicks, ducking and weaving he managed to avoid her strikes, catching her leg from a missed kick and held it tight! "What's this all about what's wrong it's me!" Jinto pleaded! But she merely screamed more, jumped up and tried to constrict his neck with her legs. Jinto didn't try to defend and she began to choke him.

"Oh that's right he can burn me at this range." The restless refugee thought to herself and released her grip. Again, in a crazed pursuit she charged at him as Jinto deflected the punches but was surprised at how strong she was! "Can't you see I'm not attacking you!? Stop dammit!" He  shouted! "You can't bewitch me with your words devil!" Juri replied as she speared him into the wall! "Bewitch? Devil? I may be handsome but I'm no devil!" Jinto said hoping she'd laugh at the joke and snap out of it.  But she did not relent!

"You must've had a nightmare, please calm down it's meeee." Jinto tried to reason with her but it fell on death ears. (Kapow!) Juri landed a spin kick to his face which caused his face to turn the other way. ("Huff huff") Juri finally ceased and was breathing heavily. (Dmmmmmm!) At that moment the air got hotter and she felt that same intimidating hot aura that Jinto had back at his fight with Ravage! He slowly turned his face and glared at her, he took a step forward and she a step back, he took another and she took another back! But that dangerous aura from him changed it wasn't 'hot' now but warm and comforting like sitting at the fireplace on a cold winter night.

Before she could take her next breath he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. She closed her eyes expecting an attack but instead... felt his big strong arms slowly, lovingly wrap around her. Now it was her body that gave into the hug. She let out a deep sigh and rested her face on his massive chest. Jinto then squeezed her tight and rubbed her head saying "It was just a nightmare Juri.. you're safe now, I'm here."

In that moment Juri felt a sense of security and affection she'd never felt before. She slowly looked up at Jinto and quietly said "Thank you." To which he just grinned. "Juri.... What did you see?" Jinto asked. "N-nothing..." Juri said, slightly pulling away. But he pulled her back towards himself, "Juri what did you see!?" He said in a firm voice. But he was met with silence "I won't let go until you tell me." Jinto said. "Ugh fine...." Juri said as she freed herself from him and sat on the bed.

The confused young man merely stared at her with an expression she'd never seen from him before. "Jinto..." "What?" He replied. "I dreamt of...." She trailed off. "Ok I'll go first." Jinto said rolling his eyes. "I was in a battle against a group of people, I had dreamt of this battle before but we had always lost. But this time... we won. They got what they deserved. I was so elated I think I woke up with" "With that twisted smile!" Juri interjected. "That same twisted smile... you had it in my dre- no nightmare." She said.

"Juri..?" Jinto said, puzzled. But she wouldn't elaborate. A small silence grew between them, then Jinto slowly walked over to her and sat down close enough that his leg was touching hers and he placed his hand upon her knee. She could feel his pulse, even now it was calm and soothing to her. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want too." Jinto said with a small smile. "Ok... but I'll ask you one thing." Juri said.

"Yes?" Jinto replied. "Your people, have they ever ummmm attacked other lands?" She asked nervously. "HAHAHAHA! What?! What kind of question is that!? We've always kept to ourselves most if not all of us didn't even know people like you existed let alone others." Jinto said, amused at the bizarre question. "That warm laughter, the lack of hesitation in his reply... The way he's looked after me. Perhaps she's wrong about him... Wrong about his people. Besides if anything happened I'm sure he'd stop it." Juri thought to herself as she stared and Jinto smiling.

"You know you can reply right? That's how conversions work." Jinto said sarcastically as Juri laughed, playfully hitting his arm. The two sat together until they fell asleep. It was about noon the next day, the two were still asleep until... (BANG BANG BANG!) The two woke up startled but Jinto assumed it was Kaleel his big brother. He slowly walked over to the door, as his hand was about to turn the knob... "JINTO, OPEN THIS DOOR NOW OR YOU'LL BE IMPRISONED ALONG WITH YOUR LITTLE FRIEND!" A stern voice shouted and Jinto could hear others outside too.

Juri's heart sank and anxiety flooded her body, she looked at Jinto who's face had changed. Aggression fell upon his face as the room suddenly felt hot and heavy! Suddenly (POW!) the door was abruptly blasted open!

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