Grim Recompense

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"F-FIRE, KILL HIM! HE'S A DEVIL! A DEMON! THEIR KIND MUST NOT SURVIVE!!!" a petrified soldier roared in terror at what stood before them. 'RATATATATATA!' desperate bullets hurtled towards the possessed Jinto!

"I-I don't believed it!?" a soldier exclaimed as his heart sank. The blackish purple flames, instantly evaporated the bullets like water droplets being dropped onto a hot stove! The soldiers then ceased their futile assault. In that moment, the corrupted Jinto stood up straight, his flames still erupting profusely from him and his slash wounds from before glowing a deep red from the intense heat he was emitting. His once hopeful, merciful eyes now dyed with thick hatred; he then bared a grin that yearned for bloodshed.

As he slowly opened his mouth to speak, every soldier immediately glued their eyes to him! Every movement he made demanded their attention and respect. "Oh Casians... constant disrespect can push a man to a dark... dark place... For the sake of my people... I'm going to rend your existence from this world... AND SCATTER THE VERY ASHES OF YOUR SCORCHED SOULS!" Jinn bellowed from inside Jinto, in an eerie two tone voice. Immediately, the Casian soldiers opened fire once more! At the same time, scores of them fled, certain that facing down the monstrous entity before them would spell their doom. Complete disarray infected their ranks.

"Mhmhmhmh... hahahahah, AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes! That's the look. The terror, the fear! Knowing you're going to die! But still gripping onto hope. Still believing that by some miracle you'll survive, still hoping you'll be spared. DIE IN YOUR FEAR! DID YOU SPARE MY PEOPLE!?" Jinn's voice boomed as he cascaded after the soldiers. "You'll be the first to taste it!" he said, as he grabbed one of them from the back of his head.

"N-no please! Wait! Not all of us were.." 'KABOOM!' the soldier's pleas were cut short, as Jinn slammed his face into the concrete, grating his face along the rough ground, leaving a gruesome trail of blood and teeth on the floor. Without delay, he darted towards another group of them and like a hot knife cutting through butter, his blazing arm sliced all of them in half with one swift swipe! Another soldier tried to jump him from behind... whether it was bravery or foolishness that compelled him to do so... both were pointless. The only thing that awaited them was the inevitability of their death.

"MMMM!" Jinn exclaimed, while ramming his burning fist under the soldier's jaw, skewering his head completely. The victim died instantly. Still dissatisfied with the carnage, Jinn, with his hand still inside, ripped the dead soldier's head clean off of his shoulders. A sadistic smile unraveled on his lips as he then violently scorched the decapitated head, until it was no more than a charred skull. Jinn admired the skull as it burned in the purple, black fire. It's damaged jaw, wide open as if it was wailing in pain. "Hmmm, hahaha, I like it! I fitting expression for your grim recompense!" Jinn boasted as he threw the burning skull at another hoard of soldiers, which exploded on impact.

'Shoom! Bang! Kapow!' "Uwaaargh!" the melody of savage explosions and impacts harmonised with the cacophony of tortured death cries, as Jinn tore through the enemy! "Hah, trying to flee?" he mocked as he dashed over to a group of fleeing soldiers.

'Shoom!' "What's this!? Please God help us!?" the soldiers screamed in dismay, while a sphere of fire enveloped them, slowly getting smaller and smaller, hotter and hotter. Jinn's influence over Jinto strengthened, causing the flames to turn completely black.

"We beg you! Please! We haven't been to Melanina! We won't ever go there! Spare us! We'll do anything!!" the soldiers begged, while wails of agony echoed like a twisted choir of tormented souls.

"Ohhh? Is that so?" Jinn replied with a sarcastic upward inflection. "Your kind can never be trusted, you haven't been to Melanina yet, but you will...." Jinn continued, just as he increased the searing heat and shrank the flaming sphere even more.

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