Dangerous Allurement: When The Night Met The Day

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The wind gently bristled through the trees affectionately combing through them, causing the leaves to chatter like an excited audience. The crickets chirped their love songs while the glistering stars coruscated throughout the half-light sky. Amidst the moonlit ambiance a man inhaled deeply, the cool crisp air filled his lungs, clearing his mind and refreshing his soul. There he stood, in a familiar clearing encapsulated by a family of trees, one in particular stood out. It was a giant amongst giants a colossal amongst the colossal. It's dark brown bark was thicker than concrete and harder than steel, littered with curious craters like the moon, reminiscent of an enduring meteor shower.

Indeed the culprit was Jinto. It was none other than his fists that had scarred the humongous tree. He lightly stroked the tree with an expression of remembrance. His hair had grown out somewhat, causing it to flow downwards with a wavy texture. Upon his head was a jet black metallic headband with gold trimmings and a white swirling pattern in the middle of it. Adorning his shoulders was a white shawl that wrapped around them snugly while flowing at his back like a cape of some sort. The end of the shawl sported a light and dark brown design, not too dissimilar to the brown spots of a cow, but in a fire like pattern. His broad top half was clothed in a pitch-dark jacket, complete with a gold coloured zip and patches of dark yellow on the arms that looked like shadows of pure gold. Hidden under his jacket was a simple white t-shirt.

Sheathing his powerful forearms were two charcoal-black bracers with golden trimmings. His pillar like legs were concealed with slim fitting black trousers that matched his jacket. A large white leather belt sat stylishly around his tapering waist, tattooed with black and gold holes, three similar belts were perched smugly around his left leg and a single belt on his right. Completing his outfit were a pair of sable boots reaching a third of the way up his shins, the top of the boots had red and white material wrapped around them.

"Hello old friend, it's been a while. Jaleel has a plan so I have to train for it, please help me once more." Jinto uttered. 'BAM, BAM, POW!' Jinto threw textbook jabs, straights and kicks at the tree, practicing his form. "It's just like when I was a kid. I used to train here secretly in order to prove everyone wrong... to shut them all up! Especially Jaleel, but this time around we're on the same side." the fiery fighter pondered, in the midst of his strikes.

However, unbeknownst to the champion of Melanina, enamoured, amorous eyes were transfixed upon him, gazing with dilated pupils. Dark green irises subtly glowed luminously in the dark like cat eyes. These eyes were always hidden though they have known their object of affection for quite some time. Yes, though concealed these eyes had always watched him in secret, for a time. They always yearned to meet him, always yearned that Jinto would meet their gaze, until fate waylaid them both.... And the owner of the love struck eyes had forgotten all about him, their memories washed away and eroded by a wave of misfortune. But perhaps now, at long last, Jinto would finally meet their gaze and she could tell him how she felt.

"Ssssssuchhhh power... Ssssuch ssstrength... Ssssuch resilience..." the secret admirer said from her hiding place, revelling in Jinto's display of might. His movements were so powerful yet elegant, a fierce gracefulness, a delicate violence, truly it was a captivating sight to marvel at. Zinneera looked up at the moon as it claimed the twilight sky and glittered Jinto in it's light.

"This twilight sky, this exact setting with me hidden here watching him, it reminds me of a faint memory. Ever since that wretched woman's influence wore off from me my memories have been coming back slowly. I remember, I was stood right here as a child watching a little boy who looked just like him. He was bullied for his skin just like me, lacked a Qudra, he unwillingly dwelled in the shadow of his brother whom everyone favoured. And even when the whole place turned on him that one time, he never stopped believing in himself. He refused to be downtrodden. He forged himself, from a weak boy into a mighty Melanin man!" the siren of seduction thought to herself.

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