Obsidian, The Black Diamond

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As the days soared by like fantastic race horses, Jinto continued his hellish training, lifting, enduring and ascending past the point of no return. He wanted his strength to be... absolute. Whilst his beautiful devotee remained near by, watching over him like a love struck star in the sky.

"You won't be sssatisfied until you can pull the entire Earth!" Zinneera exclaimed, as she sat atop the colossal boulder that Jinto had tied to him, pulling it across the ground as if it were a sleigh.

"What good is truth, without power? And what good is power without purpose?" Jinto replied.

"What good are all those muscles, without being topless?" remarked the siren of seduction.

"ANYWAYS! (Grunt, pant) Why do you always wear purple?" Melanina's champion asked, swiftly changing the subject.

"Aww, am I too hot to handle today? You don't want to playyyy? Well, my mother always used to tell me vague nursery rhymes about Balencia, the mountain cutter's wife. One thing that stuck, is that she was a brave woman whom always wore purple." Zinneera revealed.

"Hmm, purple huh?" Jinto bespoke.

"Yessss, manganese violet to be precise. Why do you ask?" she enquired.

"Hmph." he replied with a smirk

"Planning sssomething for little old me are we?" she prodded.


"Ignoring me? Make sssure you sleep with one eye open tonight then..." Zinneera jokingly hissed, whilst Jinto laughed heartily.

Meanwhile, a secret meeting was taking place within the confines of a hidden room, inside the palace of the Elders. The room was dark, with only a few slithers of light daintily dangling in the darkness like wispy cobwebs. And a dark red curtain partitioned the whole room in half. "High commander Jaleel, we have gathered and recorded the evidence of corruption you asked us for. Bribery, squandered tax money, false imprisonment, censorship, you name it." a follower of Jaleel reported from one side of the partition.

"Hmph." the prince of Lightning exclaimed from the other side, pleased with their findings.

"That's not all sir! We have swayed much of the public opinion in your favour. Sowing the seeds of discontent and mistrust among the people. By using you as a beacon of hope that will eradicate the corruption within Melanina, the people are insistent on the idea that you will bring about change, prosperity and freedom!" another follower divulged.

"Yes, much of our preparations are ready sir! However, some people have their reservations about your brother. Some see him as a race traitor for ever being with that Casian princess. Other's forebode ill tidings, saying he has brought destruction upon us by bringing her here; just like he nearly did all those years ago." another, said.

'ZZZST! KACRACK!' Bright red light flashed intimidatingly, as fierce, fulminant crimson lightning began jutting out from the prince of lightning.

"Jaleel, calm down. He is only reporting his findings. These aren't his own personal views." Frederick reasoned, placing his hand on Jaleel's shoulder.

"Hmph, very well. But know this, it is not my brother Jinto who brings destruction to our people. It is our sorry excuse for leaders, especially... Frude...." Jaleel uttered with disdain.

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